Rawr. Vampirism and Card Capturing!
I had an amazing time at the Ani-Jam Halloween Festival. It was even MORE fun at the dance afterward. I met so many great people and made lots of new awesome friends! I love cosplayers!
Lots of people liked Kay-chan's and my costume. Hehe. Although we didn't win the Costume Contest I was alright with it. I won 1st place last time...which was kind of surprising but this time I went with a more simple costume and had just as much fun...if not, more. ^~^; I look forward to the future gatherings that Ani-Jam will hold.
I plan on setting up a cosplay gathering for the Fresno area. I'm just not sure when, but I do want it to happen! Grr. >;P
I'z haz a Youtube!
Here's a video from the boy party thing...... for more though to go ---> www.youtube.com/user/strawberiitwili
I hope this shows...
Anyway! Got to go....I'm at Kay-chan's and Ne-chan is over too. They're working on their cosplay for..tomorrow but technically it's today!
Edit: Nope...stupid video won't show so I put a link instead. ;[ sorry.
I hope this shows...
Anyway! Got to go....I'm at Kay-chan's and Ne-chan is over too. They're working on their cosplay for..tomorrow but technically it's today!
Edit: Nope...stupid video won't show so I put a link instead. ;[ sorry.
Ani-Jam Halloween Event!!
Woohoo! It's finally here, I've been anxious to go! I love being around cosplayers and dressing up in general! Unfortunately I will not be a real character. I'll be using my Cardcaptor Sakura uniform but I will be dressing as a vampire school girl. Not even Vampire Sakura because my friend...wasn't going to be Vampire Madison I guess... I'm not sure. All I know is we're just going to be ourselves I guess... o_o; Maybe...I should ask again. I'll be going to her house tonight since we'll be leaving the next day around noon time. I'm going to do our make up... I have some stuff to make us look pale that I put over after I draw on veins along side the face. Gives us a more...fragile, dead look. We already have our fangs...and I'm not sure how we'll do the hair. Probably crazy, like we're...insane but still school girls :O
ANYWAY. It's going to be FUNZZZZ~~~~~~!!!!!!!! (n___n) W00t.
But uh...yah. Can't wait to see some of my other cosplay friends there. I'll be going with 3 of them but we're meeting there with a few other friends. I think Ashley is going to be a evil Alice in Wonderland and Anton will be...Death the kid from SoulEater. Somethin' like that.
I'll make sure to post some pictures..n__n; Cya later....~
Because I'll make a MAN out of YOU!
....Hehehehe. For those interested in pictures from our "Boy party" that some of my friends in our cosplay group had then you're looking at the right blog! :O
It was pretty fun. I was like an Otaku..womanzing, sexually confused guy apparently.... XD I haven't uploaded a video but I will once I have access to faster internet!
It was pretty fun. I was like an Otaku..womanzing, sexually confused guy apparently.... XD I haven't uploaded a video but I will once I have access to faster internet!
I got a call from the Beauty Supply store I applied for last week. They scheduled me for an interview this Friday!!!!!!!!
I am so happy! I really need a job so I hope I do well!
Oh and the boy party was very fun. We had some awesome and even awkward moments. We made a lot of videos and even this weird skit/movie thing. XD I'm going to totally upload after I edit it and such. We took pictures too but I will put them up tomorrow. I am beat....we played Mario Kart and Smash Brothers for a few hours. I feel tired so...I'm going to bed!
Goodnight. XD Sorry for this laaaame post, aside from the job thing!!
I am so happy! I really need a job so I hope I do well!
Oh and the boy party was very fun. We had some awesome and even awkward moments. We made a lot of videos and even this weird skit/movie thing. XD I'm going to totally upload after I edit it and such. We took pictures too but I will put them up tomorrow. I am beat....we played Mario Kart and Smash Brothers for a few hours. I feel tired so...I'm going to bed!
Goodnight. XD Sorry for this laaaame post, aside from the job thing!!
"I would turn man for you, Ayame!"
So I'm going to a party and you have to dress up like a boy.
I totally made up the catchy phrase..."Make sure to come as a mister, not a sister!"
ROFL. Total cross-dressing party.
I can't wait. Seriously? I am excited. I -love- my cosplay group. Everyone is awesome and we make awesome videos. The funnier things always happen when we're off cam though. I promise to upload pictures and even a youtube vid.
Oh yeah. I have a youtube account. It's www.youtube.com/user/strawberiitwili
So...if you're interested in actually watching me, then check it out XD Hehehe.
I'm tired now. Going to sleep. Goodnight.
I totally made up the catchy phrase..."Make sure to come as a mister, not a sister!"
ROFL. Total cross-dressing party.
I can't wait. Seriously? I am excited. I -love- my cosplay group. Everyone is awesome and we make awesome videos. The funnier things always happen when we're off cam though. I promise to upload pictures and even a youtube vid.
Oh yeah. I have a youtube account. It's www.youtube.com/user/strawberiitwili
So...if you're interested in actually watching me, then check it out XD Hehehe.
I'm tired now. Going to sleep. Goodnight.
Ahh..I can be so silly!
I'm so sorry if you're interested in my nerdy blog..thingie...I know I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been busy and the internet is all sucky here at my Mom's house so I don't get on a much!
Friday night I stayed over at Kailey's house...and Thursday was ugh, horrific for a little while. I almost had a panic attack on the highway on the way to Wal-Mart. My anxiety has been acting up because of stress. Luckily from past experience I learned to try my best to calm down..and did much praying... I eventually was okay on the drive back home (15 min drive, but with anxiety..it feels like an hour! @_@) Anyway, I'm okay now. Wow. I just said anyway in rl...right when I typed it. o.O ....but yeaaaaaaaaah. Went to Santa Cruz on Saturday, felt anxious the ride up but once I got there and enjoyed the ocean breeze I felt better. My friend Kay-chan and I had to find common ground because she wanted to ride the huge rollercoaster and I wanted to go into the "Fright Walk" which was like this hounted house walk-through (There's like a small amusement park along the boardwalk..) but we were afraid of each others choices so finally I pointed to the end at the giant arcade and was like, "GAAAAAAAAAMES!!!!" So she was like, "Okay!". So yeah, we played a few videogames. I beat her at MarioKart..bwuahaha, and we took cute photobooth pics! We had been wearing wigs too and got a lot of looks as well as compliments! I had my pink wig on and Kay-chan had my blue wig on. It was muy fun. ;3
Today I visited Kay-chan's church but we were late cause we took forever to get ready! Then we stopped by for donuts. It was funny..I kept cracking jokes the whole way there...I was on a roll. Once we got the donuts I got back onto the main road and this guy was hecka driving slow so I was like, "Ey...ey...LADY WITH A DONUT HERE. GET MOVIN BUDDY BOY!!!" XD Kay-chan started laughing and I was like, "Watch, we're going to get pulled over by like 5 cop cars..." cause the cops in our small town have nothing better to do. XD
After church though our cosplay group got together and we worked on some stuff. It was pretty fun..as always. We made some videos--which reminds me, I need to edit them!! Some of us also put on fake mustaches (drew on*) and tried to look like guys. We're having a "Man party" this week....going to bind our chests and try to look like anime guys...meaning we can still have feminine features but manly ness too. BWUAHAHAH >:D Suuuch geeks. Probably watch Callisto play Zelda too.. She needs to finish OOT, play Majora's Mask and Windwaker..the other games she hasn't play. I know, I know..."HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" It's possible..unfortunately.. BUT She hasn't really become a gamer until now so it's acceptable. ;3
I FINALLY GOT THE LOVELY BED FURNITURE!!!!!!!!! ^__________^;; (Animal Crossing)
I'z done. ;3!! Bai bai!!
Oh and I figured out what to be for Halloween (At least for the Ani-jam Halloween Event....Kay-chan and I are going to be either Nariko/Kai vampire school girls or Sakura/Tomoyo vampire school girl. It all depends on if she gets her red wig on time. =/!!! So uhh yeah.........Keika and Ne-chan are going to be witches... so we figured we'd pair up. Callisto is going to be Peter Pan. ^~^ (The rest of the group members aren't going I think. MAYBE Boopy... but yeah CHEAP. ;x)
Friday night I stayed over at Kailey's house...and Thursday was ugh, horrific for a little while. I almost had a panic attack on the highway on the way to Wal-Mart. My anxiety has been acting up because of stress. Luckily from past experience I learned to try my best to calm down..and did much praying... I eventually was okay on the drive back home (15 min drive, but with anxiety..it feels like an hour! @_@) Anyway, I'm okay now. Wow. I just said anyway in rl...right when I typed it. o.O ....but yeaaaaaaaaah. Went to Santa Cruz on Saturday, felt anxious the ride up but once I got there and enjoyed the ocean breeze I felt better. My friend Kay-chan and I had to find common ground because she wanted to ride the huge rollercoaster and I wanted to go into the "Fright Walk" which was like this hounted house walk-through (There's like a small amusement park along the boardwalk..) but we were afraid of each others choices so finally I pointed to the end at the giant arcade and was like, "GAAAAAAAAAMES!!!!" So she was like, "Okay!". So yeah, we played a few videogames. I beat her at MarioKart..bwuahaha, and we took cute photobooth pics! We had been wearing wigs too and got a lot of looks as well as compliments! I had my pink wig on and Kay-chan had my blue wig on. It was muy fun. ;3
Today I visited Kay-chan's church but we were late cause we took forever to get ready! Then we stopped by for donuts. It was funny..I kept cracking jokes the whole way there...I was on a roll. Once we got the donuts I got back onto the main road and this guy was hecka driving slow so I was like, "Ey...ey...LADY WITH A DONUT HERE. GET MOVIN BUDDY BOY!!!" XD Kay-chan started laughing and I was like, "Watch, we're going to get pulled over by like 5 cop cars..." cause the cops in our small town have nothing better to do. XD
After church though our cosplay group got together and we worked on some stuff. It was pretty fun..as always. We made some videos--which reminds me, I need to edit them!! Some of us also put on fake mustaches (drew on*) and tried to look like guys. We're having a "Man party" this week....going to bind our chests and try to look like anime guys...meaning we can still have feminine features but manly ness too. BWUAHAHAH >:D Suuuch geeks. Probably watch Callisto play Zelda too.. She needs to finish OOT, play Majora's Mask and Windwaker..the other games she hasn't play. I know, I know..."HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" It's possible..unfortunately.. BUT She hasn't really become a gamer until now so it's acceptable. ;3
I FINALLY GOT THE LOVELY BED FURNITURE!!!!!!!!! ^__________^;; (Animal Crossing)
I'z done. ;3!! Bai bai!!
Oh and I figured out what to be for Halloween (At least for the Ani-jam Halloween Event....Kay-chan and I are going to be either Nariko/Kai vampire school girls or Sakura/Tomoyo vampire school girl. It all depends on if she gets her red wig on time. =/!!! So uhh yeah.........Keika and Ne-chan are going to be witches... so we figured we'd pair up. Callisto is going to be Peter Pan. ^~^ (The rest of the group members aren't going I think. MAYBE Boopy... but yeah CHEAP. ;x)
Camping out for Zelda? No?! >:O
I know I haven't really ranted in this blog, which is a good thing. I'm sure there's enough drama in your life... why would you want to read about mine? No, I'm not going to bash someone in this blog or really give you all the dramatic details (because there really aren't any XD). I just got a bit upset the other day, but luckily thanks to my best female friend, I was able to get over it and feel better.
If you don't game, or aren't a big Zelda fan...you probably won't care but maybe you could think of a game you'd really like? ANYWAY. The thing was...I was talking to Robby on msn last night, yes MSN...because we're long distance at the moment. [He comes home in December for good though!] So yeah, on msn chattin' it up. I asked him if he'd camp out with me when the new Zelda game(for wii) comes out, which would probably be around year 2011. So it's a while from now. I explained how it would be really cool since we're big Zelda fans and it would show our devotion! :D Hoping that he would be like, "Sure babe." Or whatever he started giving a whole dang lecture on how it's more "intelligent" to just reserve a copy online and have it mailed to your house. Totally missing my point, I argued back a bit. I didn't call him names or anything (Until later, I called him boring..poor guy..but seriously :O!). I felt so disappointed. He told me how those days had passed and he would probably have more important things to do like school and work. I understood that, because I plan on having the same responsibilities as him. I told him, "When you really like something, taking 1 day off is NOT going to ruin your life." He soon became quiet and I told him I'm just someone who likes to have fun, even if it seems going an extra mile...I will go it for the feeling of it! It's like walking around at a Con or even GOING. You can show off your costume with just pictures online, or you can walk around bruising your feet but being able to enjoy the outcome of it all. (I didn't tell him all that but uh, just adding that in). Anyway...I guess he felt bad that he put me in a bad mood so he popped up a Tic Tac Toe game on msn. I was like "..." I played and beat him. I felt a liiiittle better. (Oh he also dissed Tetris and my love for drumming on Guitar Hero) The game can be annoying but I love playing the drums. UGH. So yeah...it was all frustrating until Keika talks to me and I explain what happened and she volunteers to visit me (or I visit her) and we'd camp out in front of whatever store we chose, play our DS games or chat with other Zelda fans who would be waiting and have a good time. Oh I'd want to cosplay too. Probably dress as Saria or someone comfortable. Princess Agitha is NOT the most comfortable of outfits. It's not even done but I know it won't be comfortable and it's a freakin' dress. XD
In anycase, we ended up okay. Arguments happen when you're close to someone and you feel disappointed. He was just being himself. Someone who had to grow up really fast. It's quite sad... He does do fun things, don't get me wrong. We've had a lot of great times...sometimes he just makes boring decisions and acts like he's 60 years old. I know, that's mean but it's true. I still love him though and I know he's just a very logical person but TOO logical sometimes. We're young...we need to have some fun! (As long as it's...safe >.>;).
Anyway, this is why I'm glad we have friends. A partner can't always be there for EVERYTHING or enjoy EVERYTHING you do. But Friends? They're pretty much on your side with almost everything...if you're like BFF's. Although I do consider Robby a best friend, there's a difference with girl best friends and him being my male best friend.^~^; I love my friends. We're all crazy and kind of grew up the same. We have our fights too but uh..friends are just a really special thing and I will miss them when I move. :( I do have friends in Texas but...I will miss my friends. Hopefully some of the other friends who already moved will be able to visit me. BROOKELYNN. :O!!! Or Jeska!
Ahh. Well I'm sorry if this blog was annoying. I hope I didn't sound like a little brat whining. :[ I do love my fiance and we don't have many fights (Anymore..we've grown up a little.. XD). But uh, sometimes I just feel like writing it all out AND I wasn't sure what else to write. I'd like to keep this blog about games and other nerdy stuff I do. :]
Oh and he wants to get me some Mini Ninja game. It looks kind of cute, a bit kiddy but he said it's suppose to be cool and fun. =P I don't mind getting games as a gift..maybe it's a making-up gift? I don't know. Suppose I will try it out. I think he's getting the wii one. At least I can be a Kunoichi!

Alright. I'm gonna go. I have to post a dream I had on my other fashion/Design/creative blog. LOL.
If you don't game, or aren't a big Zelda fan...you probably won't care but maybe you could think of a game you'd really like? ANYWAY. The thing was...I was talking to Robby on msn last night, yes MSN...because we're long distance at the moment. [He comes home in December for good though!] So yeah, on msn chattin' it up. I asked him if he'd camp out with me when the new Zelda game(for wii) comes out, which would probably be around year 2011. So it's a while from now. I explained how it would be really cool since we're big Zelda fans and it would show our devotion! :D Hoping that he would be like, "Sure babe." Or whatever he started giving a whole dang lecture on how it's more "intelligent" to just reserve a copy online and have it mailed to your house. Totally missing my point, I argued back a bit. I didn't call him names or anything (Until later, I called him boring..poor guy..but seriously :O!). I felt so disappointed. He told me how those days had passed and he would probably have more important things to do like school and work. I understood that, because I plan on having the same responsibilities as him. I told him, "When you really like something, taking 1 day off is NOT going to ruin your life." He soon became quiet and I told him I'm just someone who likes to have fun, even if it seems going an extra mile...I will go it for the feeling of it! It's like walking around at a Con or even GOING. You can show off your costume with just pictures online, or you can walk around bruising your feet but being able to enjoy the outcome of it all. (I didn't tell him all that but uh, just adding that in). Anyway...I guess he felt bad that he put me in a bad mood so he popped up a Tic Tac Toe game on msn. I was like "..." I played and beat him. I felt a liiiittle better. (Oh he also dissed Tetris and my love for drumming on Guitar Hero) The game can be annoying but I love playing the drums. UGH. So yeah...it was all frustrating until Keika talks to me and I explain what happened and she volunteers to visit me (or I visit her) and we'd camp out in front of whatever store we chose, play our DS games or chat with other Zelda fans who would be waiting and have a good time. Oh I'd want to cosplay too. Probably dress as Saria or someone comfortable. Princess Agitha is NOT the most comfortable of outfits. It's not even done but I know it won't be comfortable and it's a freakin' dress. XD
In anycase, we ended up okay. Arguments happen when you're close to someone and you feel disappointed. He was just being himself. Someone who had to grow up really fast. It's quite sad... He does do fun things, don't get me wrong. We've had a lot of great times...sometimes he just makes boring decisions and acts like he's 60 years old. I know, that's mean but it's true. I still love him though and I know he's just a very logical person but TOO logical sometimes. We're young...we need to have some fun! (As long as it's...safe >.>;).
Anyway, this is why I'm glad we have friends. A partner can't always be there for EVERYTHING or enjoy EVERYTHING you do. But Friends? They're pretty much on your side with almost everything...if you're like BFF's. Although I do consider Robby a best friend, there's a difference with girl best friends and him being my male best friend.^~^; I love my friends. We're all crazy and kind of grew up the same. We have our fights too but uh..friends are just a really special thing and I will miss them when I move. :( I do have friends in Texas but...I will miss my friends. Hopefully some of the other friends who already moved will be able to visit me. BROOKELYNN. :O!!! Or Jeska!
Ahh. Well I'm sorry if this blog was annoying. I hope I didn't sound like a little brat whining. :[ I do love my fiance and we don't have many fights (Anymore..we've grown up a little.. XD). But uh, sometimes I just feel like writing it all out AND I wasn't sure what else to write. I'd like to keep this blog about games and other nerdy stuff I do. :]
Oh and he wants to get me some Mini Ninja game. It looks kind of cute, a bit kiddy but he said it's suppose to be cool and fun. =P I don't mind getting games as a gift..maybe it's a making-up gift? I don't know. Suppose I will try it out. I think he's getting the wii one. At least I can be a Kunoichi!
Alright. I'm gonna go. I have to post a dream I had on my other fashion/Design/creative blog. LOL.
I'm over at my friend's house right now. Not too sleepy so I'm leaving a post before going to sleep!
We played Ocarina of Time(Zelda..DUH) becaauuse Robbie had never played it!! O_O NEVER. How could this be, you ask? I do not know! I played most of it...but uh, she gets to do Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly. I hate that 'temple' XD! Hehe... We were going to finish it tonight but we're too tired...and it bugged me so I didn't want to play it tonight.
Ah...I still love the game. I can't wait until Link grows up. I use to have the fattest crush on him. Seriously. Wait...............I STILL do. >:D Ahh..Link....why are you so cute, in all your cheap graphic-ness? (Except Twilight Princess...He got smoother). Teehee. I love Zelda!
I still plan on getting the Triforce or Royal crest symbol tattooed on me. I'm thinking the back of my neck... :3
I don't know. Guess I'll go....^__________^ TTYL. Oh and yay for....4 followers? :3
We played Ocarina of Time(Zelda..DUH) becaauuse Robbie had never played it!! O_O NEVER. How could this be, you ask? I do not know! I played most of it...but uh, she gets to do Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly. I hate that 'temple' XD! Hehe... We were going to finish it tonight but we're too tired...and it bugged me so I didn't want to play it tonight.
Ah...I still love the game. I can't wait until Link grows up. I use to have the fattest crush on him. Seriously. Wait...............I STILL do. >:D Ahh..Link....why are you so cute, in all your cheap graphic-ness? (Except Twilight Princess...He got smoother). Teehee. I love Zelda!
I still plan on getting the Triforce or Royal crest symbol tattooed on me. I'm thinking the back of my neck... :3
I don't know. Guess I'll go....^__________^ TTYL. Oh and yay for....4 followers? :3
He Loves Me.
Guess what?
Robby talked to me. Oh really? Tell me something I don't know.
Uh, well......He kind of said something along the lines of...
Because he loves me. He personally doesn't care for the ps3 though because it doesn't have enough games that he's interested in. >;/ BUT I want it. I know more games will be coming out and Blu-Ray is going to get BIG like DVD did...so might as well beat them to the punch!
^~^ So yeah..
Bohan died today. Robbie finally defeated him. I was home, but she texted me.
Oh yeah! I also joined this site called TinierMe, it's REALLY cute and way better than Gaia. If you want to play then let me know and give me your e-mail. I get 300 coins for every friend I invite (that joins). ^~^; It's sooo cute though.

Someone please give me the whole "Lovely" furniture collection on Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Sheik aka...Kai's #1 Fan (That is..if I'm not Kai!)
Robby talked to me. Oh really? Tell me something I don't know.
Uh, well......He kind of said something along the lines of...
Because he loves me. He personally doesn't care for the ps3 though because it doesn't have enough games that he's interested in. >;/ BUT I want it. I know more games will be coming out and Blu-Ray is going to get BIG like DVD did...so might as well beat them to the punch!
^~^ So yeah..
Bohan died today. Robbie finally defeated him. I was home, but she texted me.
Oh yeah! I also joined this site called TinierMe, it's REALLY cute and way better than Gaia. If you want to play then let me know and give me your e-mail. I get 300 coins for every friend I invite (that joins). ^~^; It's sooo cute though.
Someone please give me the whole "Lovely" furniture collection on Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Sheik aka...Kai's #1 Fan (That is..if I'm not Kai!)
Girl Gamers...
I think there are more out there than guys think.
So I want to know... there are some games (mostly HALO and Gears of War) where girls are picked on for playing (when playing online with other random people) yet, I always hear that guys like when girls play games?
So is it a turn on, or a turn off....?
I mean, it doesn't effect me. My fiance loves that I play games, cause I'm not telling him to stop..I'm the one wondering what game we're going to get next! :D (Unless he were to..ignore his responsibilities as an adult--then I would start sayin' something..)
So I want to know... there are some games (mostly HALO and Gears of War) where girls are picked on for playing (when playing online with other random people) yet, I always hear that guys like when girls play games?
So is it a turn on, or a turn off....?
I mean, it doesn't effect me. My fiance loves that I play games, cause I'm not telling him to stop..I'm the one wondering what game we're going to get next! :D (Unless he were to..ignore his responsibilities as an adult--then I would start sayin' something..)
I Hate Bohan. Do You?
I really do. I DO.
He is so frrreakin' irritating. I just want him to shut up so I can give him a taste of the HeavenlySword >;/
I was reminded why I need to play videogames with someone else in the room. I get so mad when I don't get something right the first time. >:O
As much as I love HS, I hated having to control Kai's arrows..(Even though it was cool when you got them in the butt! XD I did love how they made them react to whatever area they were hit!) but...controlling those canon balls. No. Hated that. Hated it before and hated it last night.
I got some of the scenes on camera when my friend Robbie was playing (since she never played before). We would switch back and forth--since I love playing it :D But I let her play most of it. We didn't finish though, we got to that last battle with Bohan. He cheats. Yep. I've decided that he is a BIG cheater! :O A fatty-mc-fatfat.
I sound real mature don't I? Leave me alone, I'm only 20. XD
In anycase...I'll be uploading more youtube videos (and throw in the silly scene of the jumping gorilla's Nariko had to fight because Robbie wasted all the canon's on nothing..so she had to fight them all). It was like "WOO HOO. PAR-TAY over HIZZERE!!!" XD I was cracking up SO hard when more of Roaches pets came hopping out of those entrances (When you go to find Flying Fox's lair). XD She was like, "AHH...more keep coming!". She eventually killed them all and tossed their limp bodies around as if they were ragdolls. That made me laugh too.
Ahh..I could go on about HS and it's awesomeness but I think...I will either find something to eat or nap. We stayed up late and I woke up early..so my body is mad at me. (e__e);
Bai bai~ ^_________________^
I'm Kai's #1 FAN. :O
He is so frrreakin' irritating. I just want him to shut up so I can give him a taste of the HeavenlySword >;/
I was reminded why I need to play videogames with someone else in the room. I get so mad when I don't get something right the first time. >:O
As much as I love HS, I hated having to control Kai's arrows..(Even though it was cool when you got them in the butt! XD I did love how they made them react to whatever area they were hit!) but...controlling those canon balls. No. Hated that. Hated it before and hated it last night.
I got some of the scenes on camera when my friend Robbie was playing (since she never played before). We would switch back and forth--since I love playing it :D But I let her play most of it. We didn't finish though, we got to that last battle with Bohan. He cheats. Yep. I've decided that he is a BIG cheater! :O A fatty-mc-fatfat.
I sound real mature don't I? Leave me alone, I'm only 20. XD
In anycase...I'll be uploading more youtube videos (and throw in the silly scene of the jumping gorilla's Nariko had to fight because Robbie wasted all the canon's on nothing..so she had to fight them all). It was like "WOO HOO. PAR-TAY over HIZZERE!!!" XD I was cracking up SO hard when more of Roaches pets came hopping out of those entrances (When you go to find Flying Fox's lair). XD She was like, "AHH...more keep coming!". She eventually killed them all and tossed their limp bodies around as if they were ragdolls. That made me laugh too.
Ahh..I could go on about HS and it's awesomeness but I think...I will either find something to eat or nap. We stayed up late and I woke up early..so my body is mad at me. (e__e);
Bai bai~ ^_________________^
I'm Kai's #1 FAN. :O
I want a PS3
So unfortunately, I don't have one. I never have...
I've only gotten to play PS3 games at friend's houses...a few of them own PS3's.
I currently only own a N64, PS2 , GC and the Wii. Since I cosplay a lot now I can't really afford other things, I also have no job at the moment. -Tear-
My fiance said we could get a new console once we move in together (after we get married) and I think I will choose the PS3. I want to play Little Big Planet with my friends (as Kai!) and of course have everyday access to Heavenly Sword....the most awesome PS3 game, in my eyes anyway. :D
Assassin's Creed II is coming out, I still need to play the first one (which we have...). I want to play God of War III too :O!!
There's a new Zelda game, the Spirit Tracks one but I don't really care of DS Zelda games that much. They're okay...but meh.. :( I prefer waiting for the big platform games... Like the new Zelda game for wii that will probably arrive in 2011.
Ah...I'm going to Robbie's house again to play more HS. Why must playing as Kai be so challenging? It's still fun though...just controlling those dang arrows.. >:O
Well...little Sheik says good bye for now. Time for some Twing Twang!Ciao.
I've only gotten to play PS3 games at friend's houses...a few of them own PS3's.
I currently only own a N64, PS2 , GC and the Wii. Since I cosplay a lot now I can't really afford other things, I also have no job at the moment. -Tear-
My fiance said we could get a new console once we move in together (after we get married) and I think I will choose the PS3. I want to play Little Big Planet with my friends (as Kai!) and of course have everyday access to Heavenly Sword....the most awesome PS3 game, in my eyes anyway. :D
Assassin's Creed II is coming out, I still need to play the first one (which we have...). I want to play God of War III too :O!!
There's a new Zelda game, the Spirit Tracks one but I don't really care of DS Zelda games that much. They're okay...but meh.. :( I prefer waiting for the big platform games... Like the new Zelda game for wii that will probably arrive in 2011.
Ah...I'm going to Robbie's house again to play more HS. Why must playing as Kai be so challenging? It's still fun though...just controlling those dang arrows.. >:O
Well...little Sheik says good bye for now. Time for some Twing Twang!Ciao.
Heavenly Sword...!!!
So I love Heavenly Sword, right? Well I DO.
I was going to play it at Robbie's today, well mostly watch her play since she hasn't and I have. :3
Buuut I got all sick. I'm finally feeling a bit better but it's too late. She has a meeting *cry*.
Anyway---------plan on going over sometime this week. We still gotta finish her Fused Shadow for her Midna cosplay. :>!!! It's going to be fun! A complicated piece of the costume but it is possible.
Blegh, I want to play Animal Crossing so I think I'll do that now.
X3 I don't update this blog as much but uh..I'll try. Why do I have two blogs? I don't know. I like to be sort of organized. I dunno!!!!!!!!! :O
I was going to play it at Robbie's today, well mostly watch her play since she hasn't and I have. :3
Buuut I got all sick. I'm finally feeling a bit better but it's too late. She has a meeting *cry*.
Anyway---------plan on going over sometime this week. We still gotta finish her Fused Shadow for her Midna cosplay. :>!!! It's going to be fun! A complicated piece of the costume but it is possible.
Blegh, I want to play Animal Crossing so I think I'll do that now.
X3 I don't update this blog as much but uh..I'll try. Why do I have two blogs? I don't know. I like to be sort of organized. I dunno!!!!!!!!! :O
Oh my, oh my...
Back from helping my friends out with cosplay projects and my own projects.
Robbie's Fused Shadow (for imp Midna costume) is turning out great and I'm very anxious to see the finished result. She'll be the perfect Midna~!! It's going to be awesome.
Right now I kind of feel sick...and tired so I will be going to bed early.
(e__e); I really want my blogs to be interesting. I will work harder on them...and put more interesting things in them! Rawr. Goodnight.
Robbie's Fused Shadow (for imp Midna costume) is turning out great and I'm very anxious to see the finished result. She'll be the perfect Midna~!! It's going to be awesome.
Right now I kind of feel sick...and tired so I will be going to bed early.
(e__e); I really want my blogs to be interesting. I will work harder on them...and put more interesting things in them! Rawr. Goodnight.
Have you ever played this magical game? It's such a well put-together game. If you haven't done it...you should, everyone is doing it.
So...want to know the object of the game...? Well, it's kind of hard to explain. Basically...you get a set of letters that are scrambled and you unscramble them. :DDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rofl. And you thought this entry would be interesting...hah.
Buy me this. Nao. kthnxbai.
So...want to know the object of the game...? Well, it's kind of hard to explain. Basically...you get a set of letters that are scrambled and you unscramble them. :DDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rofl. And you thought this entry would be interesting...hah.
Buy me this. Nao. kthnxbai.
...After midnight blog..?
It's 1.11am.
I find it very fun writing after midnight, when everyone else is asleep.
Everyone in this house at least. Why am I writing this? Because my personal blog irritated me. I will now spam a new one with pure nerdness and pictures. kekekeke.
Do you ever write after midnight?
It's so quiet, calm and a bit chilly. I enjoy it quite well.
The weather has changed so drastically. I can't believe it. I love it.
Every morning now I wake up and I breathe in that cool, morning chill.
The sun is slow to wake as the birds summon it with their song of dawn.
I embrace the morning.
..But only when I don't have to go to work.
Nook's store opens again tomorrow. I wonder what it will look like, rofl. (Animal Crossing XD!!!!)

/end of first lame post.
I find it very fun writing after midnight, when everyone else is asleep.
Everyone in this house at least. Why am I writing this? Because my personal blog irritated me. I will now spam a new one with pure nerdness and pictures. kekekeke.
Do you ever write after midnight?
It's so quiet, calm and a bit chilly. I enjoy it quite well.
The weather has changed so drastically. I can't believe it. I love it.
Every morning now I wake up and I breathe in that cool, morning chill.
The sun is slow to wake as the birds summon it with their song of dawn.
I embrace the morning.
..But only when I don't have to go to work.
Nook's store opens again tomorrow. I wonder what it will look like, rofl. (Animal Crossing XD!!!!)
/end of first lame post.
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