So I just got back a while ago from watching the movie AVATAR with Robby. I have to say I haven't seen a movie that I enjoyed that much for quite some time. I really liked it and it was such an enjoyment to watch. Very beautiful creatures and also some creepy ones too. :3 I kept noticing the details of the clothing designs the Na'vi (Blue people) would be wearing. It would be fun to cosplay as them if...I had a body like theirs and was about 9ft+ in height? =P
I recommend anyone who is into Sci-Fi or action to go see this movie... or if you simply want to see a good movie. :D
Anyway...that's all for tonight. My feet stink...I need to take a shower. D:
....Time goes by fast!
It's already the end of December...Christmas is over and New Years Eve is this Thursday! Time sure has gone by fast. I can't believe Robby has to leave this Saturday. :[ I will be visiting him in February but still...I wish he could stay a bit longer but his ID expires on Sunday so he has to go home before he's unable to use it.
I'm just sitting on my couch in the livingroom right now and he's next to me on his laptop, eating the last corn dog I cooked up for him.
Cosplay update? There's nothing new! Sad, I know....but I did get a JoAnn's giftcard so I am happy about that. Robby offered to buy me fabric but I don't think I will have him get me any. He has spoiled me enough.. >.<; I did get a pic from Kay-chan though of her in her top for her Shigure cosplay. I'm pretty excited! I am definitely looking forward to that even more now.
....I feel kind of tired and I keep coughing. My cold has been gone but I've had an annoying cough lately. It's not so bad now but it's still annoying! :P
Anyway...I think I will go for now. I am sorry my posts have been lame...they will get exciting once I'm not so distracted by my fiance ^^;; Don't stop following (T__T);
WiiResort is really fun!! :O I also got Harvest Moon: Animal Parade... It's like an upgraded version of HM:Tree of Tranquility.
I'm just sitting on my couch in the livingroom right now and he's next to me on his laptop, eating the last corn dog I cooked up for him.
Cosplay update? There's nothing new! Sad, I know....but I did get a JoAnn's giftcard so I am happy about that. Robby offered to buy me fabric but I don't think I will have him get me any. He has spoiled me enough.. >.<; I did get a pic from Kay-chan though of her in her top for her Shigure cosplay. I'm pretty excited! I am definitely looking forward to that even more now.
....I feel kind of tired and I keep coughing. My cold has been gone but I've had an annoying cough lately. It's not so bad now but it's still annoying! :P
Anyway...I think I will go for now. I am sorry my posts have been lame...they will get exciting once I'm not so distracted by my fiance ^^;; Don't stop following (T__T);
WiiResort is really fun!! :O I also got Harvest Moon: Animal Parade... It's like an upgraded version of HM:Tree of Tranquility.
Christmas Eve~
I had a lovely dinner tonight. Steph (my sister) and I cooked dinner together, it was yummy. Robby's been a real big help too! He helped me clean up the kitchen afterward and earlier today he helped some of my family put up a new shed in the backyard. He's a pretty hard worker. :] Right now I'm getting a foot massage from him...I feel spoiled >___<;
Anyway...I'm going to go! I hope you all are having an awesome time during these wonderful holidays!! n___n
Anyway...I'm going to go! I hope you all are having an awesome time during these wonderful holidays!! n___n
I Loves Me Some Robby!
SO. I've been busy!!! Rawr...but it has been really nice! I am feeling a bit better health wise too.
It's been very, very nice spending time with my fiance here. We haven't done THAT much but it's still fun. :3 We got some new wii games and Hello Kitty skins for my wiimotes! They're so cute now. XD Oh yeah! My Christmas party was pretty fun and I got the best gift EVAR...okay one of the best. Kay-chan got me a Hello Kitty toaster!!! I've been wanting one foreveeerrr..... It toasts the bread and leaves a hello kitty mark on it. :D
I will totally post pictures later. Right now Robby looks I'm going to go talk to him. :]
No cosplay stuff done yet. >.<; But I think I'm getting a JoAnn's fabric gift card. Robby offered to get me fabric, but we were at Wal-Mart and I didn't want that fabric..D:
It's been very, very nice spending time with my fiance here. We haven't done THAT much but it's still fun. :3 We got some new wii games and Hello Kitty skins for my wiimotes! They're so cute now. XD Oh yeah! My Christmas party was pretty fun and I got the best gift EVAR...okay one of the best. Kay-chan got me a Hello Kitty toaster!!! I've been wanting one foreveeerrr..... It toasts the bread and leaves a hello kitty mark on it. :D
I will totally post pictures later. Right now Robby looks I'm going to go talk to him. :]
No cosplay stuff done yet. >.<; But I think I'm getting a JoAnn's fabric gift card. Robby offered to get me fabric, but we were at Wal-Mart and I didn't want that fabric..D:
Drugs = GOOD.
When they're prescription and you take them responsibly, of course. :]
I will be feeling better by tomorrow. Yay. ^___^; The doctor confirmed that I did have a UTI so I was right...and I'll be okay as long as I take allll my medicine. :P
Not much work will be done today. I am having a Christmas party here at my house and then going to pick up my fiance from the airport. I hope there isn't a lot of fog :( It's been foggy here lately and the airport is like 45 mins away!
Going to fall asleep watching Grave of the Fireflies now in Japanese. It helps me practice translating. <3> 
If I ever have a kid and it's a girl I will have her cosplay Setsuko. D:
Can't go on..any..further...
So I definitely am going in to see a doctor tomorrow. Basically I'll go in, tell them I'm pretty sure I have a bladder infection, answer questions, pee in a cup then get the drugs..err..medicine. D: I don't like having to take antibiotics, but it I gotta accept it! cosplay work today. :( I've been busy cleaning and now i'm all tired...I need to clean more after I go to my appointment.
<3 Robby comes tomorrow.
I hopes they give me teh Cipro. D: I want this bacteria gone! Oh and apparently I'm allergic to the soap they have in the Khols restroom because..after I washed my hands I noticed the tops of my hands got all red and kind of hurt. :( cosplay work today. :( I've been busy cleaning and now i'm all tired...I need to clean more after I go to my appointment.
<3 Robby comes tomorrow.
I hopes they give me teh Cipro. D: I want this bacteria gone! Oh and apparently I'm allergic to the soap they have in the Khols restroom because..after I washed my hands I noticed the tops of my hands got all red and kind of hurt. :(
Meh :(
I still feel a bit anxious today. I have a slight anxiety disorder. I don't take pills though because it's not always there and I don't want to live off pills. :[
I'll be okay...just kind of depressing right now. It sucks though, I should be happy rght? My Fiance is coming....
I hate being so emotional know? X____X
Anyway...probably won't get much done today. Going to a friends house to help clean, her mom is even paying me o_o; They really need the help.. I don't mind cleaning either...and I could use some cash.
Yeah, I think that's all for today. Sorry for this lame post. :(
I'll be okay...just kind of depressing right now. It sucks though, I should be happy rght? My Fiance is coming....
I hate being so emotional know? X____X
Anyway...probably won't get much done today. Going to a friends house to help clean, her mom is even paying me o_o; They really need the help.. I don't mind cleaning either...and I could use some cash.
Yeah, I think that's all for today. Sorry for this lame post. :(
P. Agitha & Mercedes got a little love...
I painted the beetle pendant that Princess Agitha wears on her necklace of mini beetles.... and then I started working on the flowers for Mercedes. I didn't finish much because it was my dad's birthday and then I left to help my mom with some Christmas shopping out of town... I got back kind of late. My anxiety started acting up, which I hate. :( I was worrying about this bladder infection I kind of have. I think I caught it in time and have been fighting it off with LOTS of water and cranberry pills/Juice... which really helps apparently. IF it does get worse or isn't gone by tomorrow then I plan on going to the doctors. It seems to be going away though, so I don't know!
I'm just praying it will go away, because I am..kind of poor right now? :(
On a lighter note! My mom bought me a zipper for Ayame's pants...and a cute hat that was on sale at Khols. >.>; It's one of those plaid ones with the ear flaps and fur on the inside. I love it :D It's part of my Christmas gift I guess....She likes just getting things around Christmas time
..but the best thing of all is that.... my fiance will be here tomorrow (since today is Thursday now...)!! ^_______________________^ So I am very excited. I might not post as much either while he is here...because I'll be busy snuggling and going all kinds of places. We like to have fun and enjoy our time together. :] He will be officially out of the Navy so I am really glad! Unfortunately he is not from around here, so he will only be visiting for a while then go back home...and in February I will go to stay with him for a while....but anyway...I don't want to ramble on about non-cosplay stuff.
..but the best thing of all is that.... my fiance will be here tomorrow (since today is Thursday now...)!! ^_______________________^ So I am very excited. I might not post as much either while he is here...because I'll be busy snuggling and going all kinds of places. We like to have fun and enjoy our time together. :] He will be officially out of the Navy so I am really glad! Unfortunately he is not from around here, so he will only be visiting for a while then go back home...and in February I will go to stay with him for a while....but anyway...I don't want to ramble on about non-cosplay stuff.
Ayame Sohma Prog 12-16-09
...and then the top half I sewed together today. ^~^;
Just going to add the golden buttons and then the white fabric around the collar and cuffs (I don't feel like making a white shirt for underneath when hardly ANYTHING shows.
Ahh...Still need to make the pants but I got to buy a zipper first. :3
So yeah....hope all who read this that cosplay have cosplay progress D:<
I'm back home again. I had been at Kay-chans since Friday night..~
We took "best friend" pictures in JC. Pennys at the mall then ate some Panda Express before buying our shoeeeeeeeesssssssss............... So now we have some nice black shoes for our boy school uniforms. When we got back into town I helped her with a school project. I had to be a creepy rich guy...heheh, it was funny. Took a while for everyone to get their parts down but it still was good in the end.
We cut our patterns out for the top half of our uniforms and I'll probably work on that today after I finish working on some other stuff that I'm getting paid for..@@;
Bleh. Arguments through text suck....and so does feeling like you're getting a bladder infection. I'm going to go take another cranberry supplement pill. D: Those help a lot!
We took "best friend" pictures in JC. Pennys at the mall then ate some Panda Express before buying our shoeeeeeeeesssssssss............... So now we have some nice black shoes for our boy school uniforms. When we got back into town I helped her with a school project. I had to be a creepy rich guy...heheh, it was funny. Took a while for everyone to get their parts down but it still was good in the end.
We cut our patterns out for the top half of our uniforms and I'll probably work on that today after I finish working on some other stuff that I'm getting paid for..@@;
Bleh. Arguments through text suck....and so does feeling like you're getting a bladder infection. I'm going to go take another cranberry supplement pill. D: Those help a lot!
I'z got a Basket...
So today I bought a basket for my Agitha cosplay. I didn't find any jars that I really put my glowing bugs in but maybe I'll just deal with what I can get. ;/
I have no picture of said basket but I will do a before an after shot. I might work on it tomorrow. I'm tired now and have to wake up around 9..or so..maybe a little later but be ready by 10am!
Kay-chan needs me to be a guy in a video she's doing for school. It'll be interesting and cool since my sister will be editing it and she's pretty good at that kind of thing!
Ne. Tsukareta desu. (e__e);
If a Heavenly Sword Move Existed...
I would want to be Kai~! -Cries- I just wish I had her accent....grrr...and the cute voice! I try but fail. At least, in my opinion, I do.
No cosplay work done. I broke the needle on my sewing machine while trying to alter a pair of my grandpa's jeans. I wasn't careful enough on the thick areas. I have more at my dad's house, so I'll replace the broken one tomorrow.
For all can look at these pretty Kai pictures. I say pretty because Stephanie (my sister) did an amazing job and I love the photos! :]]

I'm going to put some more on my account. :]
-Squee- I just love Kai~!!! ^__________^
I want to play Heavenly Sword again now....
No cosplay work done. I broke the needle on my sewing machine while trying to alter a pair of my grandpa's jeans. I wasn't careful enough on the thick areas. I have more at my dad's house, so I'll replace the broken one tomorrow.
For all can look at these pretty Kai pictures. I say pretty because Stephanie (my sister) did an amazing job and I love the photos! :]]
I'm going to put some more on my account. :]
-Squee- I just love Kai~!!! ^__________^
I want to play Heavenly Sword again now....
The good..and the bad..and the YUMMY!
Today was nice...even though I was sick. My cold reminded me it was still pwning my body and mother nature left me a present in the came along with cramps. -_-; Joys of being a girl, right? >:0 Why wasn't I born a pretty man?! Ahem...anyway...
Ne-chan & GURE-SAAAN (aka Kaychan)~ came over. They brought me soup and chocolate! sweet. I felt very loved and special. <3 I hope I can do the same for them.
For now..I must bid you all a goodnight. My nose can no longer smell or BREATHE. >_>; Where's my Nyquil, seriously? :[
Oyasuminasai. (.__.);
Ne-chan & GURE-SAAAN (aka Kaychan)~ came over. They brought me soup and chocolate! sweet. I felt very loved and special. <3 I hope I can do the same for them.
For now..I must bid you all a goodnight. My nose can no longer smell or BREATHE. >_>; Where's my Nyquil, seriously? :[
Oyasuminasai. (.__.);
I love Kai.
I really do. She's my favorite to cosplay. :]
I had an old slideshow but I deleted it and then remade one (in my opinion is much better) then uploaded it to my new youtube channel. :]
I'm still sick though..but I managed to bake some clay bug accessories for my Agitha cosplay....(e_e);
I had an old slideshow but I deleted it and then remade one (in my opinion is much better) then uploaded it to my new youtube channel. :]
I'm still sick though..but I managed to bake some clay bug accessories for my Agitha cosplay....(e_e);
I'm officially sick today. It sucks. I have the cold...which really sucks because I breathe through my nose when I sleep. -Cries- Now I can't!
My head hurts too and this Sudafed sucks hard butt. >:[ I no want it anymorez!
ughhhhhhhhhhh............Where's my fiance when I need him. -Rolls around all miserably- Yeaaah, getting no work today I'm sure. I don't want snot all over my Agitha stuff.
My head hurts too and this Sudafed sucks hard butt. >:[ I no want it anymorez!
ughhhhhhhhhhh............Where's my fiance when I need him. -Rolls around all miserably- Yeaaah, getting no work today I'm sure. I don't want snot all over my Agitha stuff.
Money goes too fast. :[
Spent $20 on black cotton fabric today, then had to pay my mom for gas and I still have to get the shoes for Ayame. (e__e); I think I bought too many yards of it. Nothing wrong with extra---but I don't really need black for anything else... T-T
I don't have a steady job. I help my aunt out around her house for money. ;/ So...I never know when I'll even be paid. I don't mind doing little jobs like this...Money is money.
I changed my youtube. It's
I don't have a steady job. I help my aunt out around her house for money. ;/ So...I never know when I'll even be paid. I don't mind doing little jobs like this...Money is money.
It's 2:44am... I suppose I should go to sleep. I'm bored.
I changed my youtube. It's
Shopping Day?
Alright. So I need fabric for Aya's school uniform. ;/ I've already kind of styled his wig. Although------it might need a little more touch ups but it's close to being done.
Kay-chan has to come with me since we have to match in our I'm hoping I can borrow my mom's car (since I don't have my own :[ ) and go to JoAnn's or something!
I just need:
Black cotton - 2 1/2 yards?
Black shoes
Oh and YAY. My mom just let me know I can take her car. ;] So..I'm going to get ready and eat then leave~ w00t.
Actually got some work done...
...Woooooooooo. I actually got some work done on my Princess Agitha cosplay. It wasn't even that much...XD I'm just proud I did something. I've been busy with other things and super lazy/discouraged with my future cosplay for Fanime. The prices for the two big ones are intimidating but I'm still going to do them. Just a little at a time is all. I WILL finish them. :(
Oh...Kay-chan came over today and we worked on our wigs. I still need lots of practice on wig styling. I haven't really done much of styling...just cutting. ;/ I cut my own hair and stuff....but working on a wig is risky since you can't grow it back ;_;'s some pics. I'm going to bed soon~ Or am I?

We;re going to have a Momiji now! ^~^!!!! Robbie has decided to cosplay as Momiji. I think she will make an awesome Momiji too. She's so cute. :3 We watched Fruits Basket today and now she's hooked and loves the little bunny~ I even have the backpack so she could wear it if she wants. She'll be doing his little school 'girl' uniform. Hehe.
I helped her find a wig online and she's probably going to buy it tomorrow if her internet is working. :] I still wish we had a Hatori! Ah well though....sooo excited! Wig:
Robbie. One of the awesome members of our cosplay group. ^~^
(This is when her hair was actually blonde though, she likes to change the colors...and look androgynous...because it's awesome D:)
Soooo excited.

Yay for Kay-chan getting her wig for Shigure too~ :3
Styling Ayame & Shigure wigs...
Going to style the wigs today, I think? I'm not sure. MY busy at work right now, but I think she'll be coming over to pick up her wig. It came in the mail today. I almost missed it too. I heard a knock and I thought it was at the door to my room so I rolled over and looked. Then I peeked outside my window (my bed is right next to it.) and I saw a car...then I saw a person leaving the front door with a package. I was like :O!!!!!!! I've never shot out of bed soo fast. LOL.
Rawr. Anyway. Perhaps tomorrow. I at least got some decorating done....I feel kind of tired now.
I hurried and opened the door, my hair was all thrashed and I was wearing my baggy pj's.... the lady was like "Oh I'm sorry.." I was like "No! It's okay.." then I signed the paper and got the package ;3
Should be easy to style them... Going to use wax, Got2BeGlued, Hair Cement(Maybe?) and hairspray..I think. Rawr. Shouldn't be too hard.
...I'm going to go work on my Princess Agitha cosplay right now. I have my crap all spread out on the floor. :P
UPDATE: No wig styling today. Stuffs got in the way and no cars were available for transportation on either side. It's like they planned to keep us stranded =.=!!
Rawr. Anyway. Perhaps tomorrow. I at least got some decorating done....I feel kind of tired now.
My wig came in~!!
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