Going to Fanime!!!!

Alright, I'm going to FANIME!!!!!!

Okay, maybe not this second but I will be at 8am tomorrow!!

For some reason I am really anxious/nervous about this trip. I'm not sure why.. I mean I feel as if something will go wrong or I'll get bad anxiety there (cause mine acts up..due to slight..disorder). I dunno though O______O I'm just praying we'll all be safe and have fun. - prays -

Everyone else is nervous. We're actually competing and we're hoping our costumes survive the trip up there. We have so much delicate stuff this time u_________u;;

Aside from thaaaat... I'm good. I'm going to shower then head to Kay-chan's!! We're gonna have MilkSHAKEZ in honor of Fanime tomorrow.

2 More DAYZ?!

Yeah. So I'm pretty much finished with my stuff. All I need to do now are touch ups. I need to touch up my wings, touch up Mercedes' top..and Agitha's top. Thaaaaaaaat's all folks!! XD

Ahhh. I also need to write down a list of what to pack. I'm going to be taking 5 costumes. 4 of them I kind of planned, 1 is for a friend to borrow during the Zelda gathering but I also might wear it (it's Dark Sheik) on Friday evening so I can snag some pics with InkyLink because he has an awesome Dark Link. :DDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and he's traveling from like the East....so it's a rare occasion ~!

Huge pic is huge but whatever!!!!!!!!!!!

And...why did my font change color randomly? OKAY ANYWAY. SOoooooo I'm really excited for fanime. Almost got everything how it needs to be. Everyone else in my group is hurrying to finish things, but I'm pretty sure they'll finish. We're super nervous and excited about our skit. I think it'll go well. I wonder what the stage looks like, I've only seen the stage they use to use in that one building.

Oy! I just turned on my phone cause it died and I got like 2 messages each from 3 of my group members..who all seem to need my help! I feel bad though.. I have to go to a graduation today, out of town..like an hour away. I don't want to go, but I already said I would and my family is all close 'n stuff..so it looks bad if we miss out on things...especially when they went to both my graduations. BLEGH. I'm bringing my Pokemon game. I hate sitting through graduation ceremonies. :(!!!!!!!

Anyway, I need to go and work on stuff for like an hour then get ready. Freakin' cheap. :[ Talk about bad timing.

I feel Crappy and it's Great!!!

-Cough- MY DRESS IS ALMOST DONE!!-cough- (This pic was taken before I added on the last details at the bottom!)

Okay. So I don't feel that crappy, which is rare but it happens and I'm so glad. Ahem, as many of you may remember I was worried about a little present from mother nature not arriving before Fanime... well it HAS so I am GLAD. :D!!!!!!!!!! I won't be bloated, sick, cramping and worried in my off white costumes this weekend. I'll be okay. w00t. So that's some relief off my shoulders!

As Blanche always says, "Better late than..pregnant!" Ahem..ehh..if you don't watch Golden Girls then nevermind XD!!!!!

Alright so I am pretty much DONE with Agitha's outfit. All I need to do now is run down to the hardware store and buy some grommets for the back of the dress because I ran out. I also need to add the anklets she has goin' on and theeen add the butterfly wings to the back of her dress. I think I'll just use velcro, so they can just kind of stick to my back... o.O; They're really light weight seeing as they are only craft foam. The other butterflies along the front will be safety pinned to the front. This way I won't have to worry about ruining them when the dress is packed away in it's plastic dress protector thing... they'll be put away in something else.

I have a feeling that this week is going to fly by really fast!!! O_O; Are you guys ready for Fanime? It's this Friday. -PEES-

Less than 2 WEEKS left!!!

Hi everyone...

I know I calmed down on the daily posting. I have been kind of busy and kind of sick. Stress has caused me to get headaches and bad..digestive..stuff. Heh. Blegh. I'm okay though, I just have a lot on my mind and only half of it is about cosplay. Unlike the stereotype, my life isn't just about this awesome hobby...I have bills and jobs to think about too.. (e_e) which sucks.........most days.

Umm..I'm not sure what to write about today, I'm again, not feeling too well. I did some work on my crossbow though so I will show you that and I'm almost done with Leafeon. I might work on the tail today...I don't know. I have so much to work on so I don't know what I want to work on first. :P

How are you all doing? Who's going to Fanime? It's like NEXT FRIDAY, less than 2 weeks away. Anyone freaking out? Cause I sort of am........................

Oh and my "." is prolonging itself. Last year it did this before AnimeExpo. It waited a WEEK before it actually hit ...on Day 1 of AX. -_________________- It better not do that this year. I'm going to go try and relax and pray it hits me soon. T____T Stupid mother nature and it's desire to make me miserable.....

It Ends Here, MISS!

Some people just know how to really make me mad. I don't want to be mad!
I now have lost a bridesmaid and will decided who will take this other ones place, since she is no longer considered a friend...

It's one thing to mess with me, it's another to mess with my family.
I love them very much (=___=)! I am also a very defensive person.
Even if you mess with my friends...you'll be lucky God holds me back from getting really ugly!!

Anyway, I need to sleep now. It has definitely been a LONG day for me.
Good bye for now.


I just realized that I posted this on my cosplay blog. Oops...-cough- I started on my crossbow for Mercedes and it is turning out decently!!!!!-cough-

Wow. Okay.

Less than 3 weeks until Fanime? Like PikminLink just said today... Fanime really HAS creeped up on us. I fortunately can say I got some work done today! I painted the designs on to top part of my Agitha dress, added the grommets and painted any areas where the paint had chipped off whenever I had punched them into the fabric. I also finished the light blue part of the skirt/dress so now I need to paint on the designs! Yay fun! Yaaay..not...really..no.
I also kind of dyed my hair but it is not obvious..Only in the sun or looking up close can you really tell I added burgundy to my hair. The brown roots took it well, the faded black/dark brown? No. :[ I should have already guessed, I dunno..

Soooooooo yaaaaaaah. Check out my DAILYBOOTH! If you want to see some updates and pictures of moi. If you don't, that's fine too.. XD

Tomorrow I'm going by Kay-chan's to try on her petticoats underneath my skirt. Yay..~
I also might paint my buckles gold and uh get my glue gun back!


I keep listening to this song...


I have pokemon feet! (Paws for my Leafeon cosplay...)

http://dailybooth.com/SheikChan Oh, I got a Dailybooth account. So uhh you can see me eeevvveeeryyy daaaay :D!!!!

That's what you wanted right? Right?

The internet makes it so easy to stalk people these days...........~

Cosplay Stereotypes...?

These stereotypes are not to be taken seriously. I took these off my friend and she got them off of here --->>> http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=203749 The high lighted part are the stereotypes that people here. My replies will be in normal font. There are more stereotypes but I think these are really the big ones.

"Cosplayers cannot have a normal social life."
I have a very normal social life, in my opinion. Sure, I may not go out as much as some others but cosplay is not the reason, no car is my reason! I've been fine going to college, hanging out with friends, going to family events without even mentioning cosplay.

"Cosplayers never have boyfriends or girlfriends, or are not suitable boyfriend or girlfriend material."
I don't have a boyfriend. I do have a fiance though and I think I'm quite suitable to be a fiancee. So clearly, some cosplayers are suitable?

"If you cosplay, you must have other stereotypically 'nerdy' hobbies like band, theater, Dungeons & Dragons, or Star Trek."
I didn't know DnD was a hobby or Star Trek? :P I was in drama, art and Band in Highschool but if you're smart you know that those are all in the field of art and I am indeed in love with art. If music is geeky, then ditch the ipod dumby! I think it's awesome to have "nerdy" hobbies...so of course I'm going to do all these sort of cool things. They're only uncool in your book!

"Cosplayers are all devil-worshippers."
......................Now I know some people cosplay characters that might somewhat portray the devil or a demon but most of them do it without really thinking about the religion part. I myself am a Christian but I cosplay! I know that there are sometimes gatherings for Christian cosplayers too! I think it's awesome. We are not devil-worshippers. -___________-; Nor do we even worship anime!

"All cosplayers have poor hygiene, are unhealthy & acne-ridden, and live in their mother's basements."
I have some acne (like most human beings) but everything else. No. I live in a room and I like showers. I can kind of see where this would come from because unfortunately at cons I smell a lot of people who don't bathe. I honestly don't know why but a lot of anime/otaku people around here..seem to not shower. I personally don't understand why... but not all cosplayers are this way. =/

"Cosplayers are mentally unstable and think that they are an anime character."
I don't think we think we ARE the character but when you're in costume you just feel like the character so you tend to act like it? It's like drama. Oh and I think it is awesome when people do get into character! Most cosplayers think they are the character? No, but if they portray them well..then they've chosen the right character. It's a compliment.

"Cosplayers are 'weeaboos', want to be Japanese, and use random Japanese words and phrases whenever they can."
I hate, hate, hate the term "weeaboo." On top of being insulting, it's hypocritical. "You're a weeaboo because you use random Japanese words." Isn't that what you just did..? <--- I have to agree with Amber. I though would like to be Japanese only because I love their eyes and language...I love their straight black hair and colorful culture but I know I am not. Nothing is wrong with admiring and wanting to learn a language. People have to learn English! You going to call them names? No you pick on those who don't learn it! Cosplaying does not mean you want to be Japanese, it has nothing to do with race. It's about getting in costume and expressing your love for the character or just playing around~

"Cosplayers are all immature."
If immature is knowing how to sew, make a replica of a weapon, style a wig, spend lots of money on a convention and be responsible about it is immature then yes, I'm immature. But seriously? There's always going to be the immature and mature no matter what kind of group you're talking about.

"Cosplayers must love hentai, and their costumes are part of some sick sexual fetish and they want to dry hump everything they see."
Whoa whoa whoa. Where did this come from? We're just people dressing up in costume.

"Only certain ethnicities can cosplay well."
Not necessarily. Though I do go by looks when finding a character... but there are all sorts of characters that are different ethnicities. Everyone can cosplay and should be able to cosplay!

Cosplay Weekend?

Hey there guyz..

I apologize for my lack of blog posts. I've been busy hanging out with my cosplay group because Fanime has creeped up on us quite quickly it seems and we have a lot to work on! Like this past weekend we had to get together and work on things, we also had to work on our skit for the masquerade. Ugh. Saturday is going to be freakin' BUSY...but I think we will survive. A few of the members are nervous about getting their costumes done right in time but I think we will all finish. We always seem to get everything done by the time the con actually comes around so..I have faith in all of us.

I'm pretty excited about doing a skit but I'm also nervous ^___^;; It'll be awesome though. I really think people will like our Odin Sphere group :) We've been putting a lot of dang effort into this so DANGIT WE WILL BE AWESOME...well to ourselves anyway........ Oh and from what I've seen there isn't an actual Odin Sphere gathering, which is fine because we'll practically be the gathering with 10 people in our group and evvveeryyyone will be an Odin Sphere chatacter. W00T!

Can't wait, can't wait...caaan't wait -dances-

Oh and I also can't wait to see PikminLink again, Jin, InkyLink and Catz~ Because they're awesome and I love 'em! ^_________^

I got to go try and work on some things now! I also have some art pieces to finish for the fair :[ Due by Friday. Uaaaaghh!!!

Here's a video we posted on our youtube page. You can subscribe if you'd like :)