The boy cracks me up. He's the cheekiest of monkeys, that's for sure.
The boy cracks me up. He's the cheekiest of monkeys, that's for sure.
It's been a pretty downright poo week at work, one of the most stressful in a long time, but it's Friday night and it's going to be a chilled weekend, which is the most awesome of news.
When life is so manic with boring activities like work and packing there's little of interest to photograph, so here are some of the rad charity shop finds I scored when I managed to briefly escape work on Wednesday afternoon. A bunch of stripes all for the princely sum of £5. Perfect for this beautiful summery weather we've been having.
Hope you all have a happy happy weekend and thank you for sticking around. I promise to try and be back soon xx
GameInformer Online!
My Kai costume was featured on the cosblog!! Raaaawr this was a while back but I haven't been on blogger in FOREVER. My apologies. ;~;
I've been sort of addicted to my ps3 and sort of...lazy with the sewing. Fanime is in about 2 more months so I need to get movin'! timbers be shiverin'!
Click here to see my feature!! ^__^
Sorry it’s been a bit quiet round here this week, we’ve had a rather eventful few days. Last week we viewed a flat with the simple intention of seeing what the rental market was offering right now, nothing else. 20 minutes later we had decided to take it. With another couple viewing it straight after us we had to make the decision then and there. Moving wasn’t something we were going to consider doing for quite a while yet, but when you find the perfect place, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and snap it up before somebody else does.
Our new home is amazing. A garden maisonette (is it lame we’re excited about having stairs?) two bedrooms, a bigger kitchen and the best thing…a garden. Last summer B especially craved a garden more than ever; the boy needs to be outside. So this year it’s going to be all about the BBQs and outdoor gatherings.
We move in less than 4 weeks and we’re both sad about leaving our little flat. This was our first proper house together, it was where B proposed and where we called home for almost our first year of marriage. And I’m not ashamed to say that we both had a little freak out that maybe we didn’t want to leave at all. But we quickly got over that and know that this move will be the start of an awesome new adventure. The new flat is in a brilliant area, complete with a greengrocers, deli, cafes and butchers about 2 minutes from our house. An area I thought we’d never be able to afford a place in and yet we discovered this bargain of a gem.
So now the sorting and packing begins, hence the boxes. I can’t say I’m that excited about moving day, but it will all be worth it. And the new place is stocked full of storage so we definitely have room to grow. And maybe squeeze in that 70s sideboard I’ve been craving….
Then after work my sister and I took Tyler to the cinema. He went for the first time a few weeks ago for his little friend's birthday and loved it. We watched Rango, which rocked. Go see it. Lots of funny jokes for the kiddos (who knew a chicken dressed in a waistcoat farting would be so hilarious) and plenty for the adults too. Ty munched his way through a bag of popcorn and then a burger and thought it was pretty awesome that he got home so late. Well, 8pm. Dirty stop-out.
The joys of being an auntie. Burgers, check. Sweets, check. Plenty of hugs, kisses and generally being thought of as a downright cool grown-up, check.
I roped in B to pick a winner and I’m very happy indeed to announce that LaFranglaise and her gorgeous little one Liam are the new owners of a pompom garland. Perfect for any nursery. Pop me an email with your address and I’ll get making those pompoms tomorrow!
Hope you’re all having a lovely week x
The week has been awesome in one respect though – I’ve had 3 more Happy Circus orders from around the world. I’m feeling really hyped about the possibilities of this little business (especially after this post – thank you Kerry!) and so wanted to share the excitement. That’s right lovely bloggers, today I’m launching my first ever giveaway.
One lucky reader will win a Happy Circus product of their choice, just visit the shop and let me know what you’re favourite item is by leaving a comment below. Then I’ll pick a winner on Wednesday.
Good Luck!
So happy birthday to you both little ones. Being swept along by the whirlwinds you cause is always hilarious fun and it's hard not to smile for every minute we spend with you. What awesome people you're becoming and what crazy adventures you have to look forward to.
We love you both, love Auntie Nell and Uncle Ben xxx