To quote those legendary words, I have a dream. We all do, right? Whether it’s to set up your own business, travel the world or start a family.
My sister, Dora, and I have a dream. We’ve had it for a long time. A really long time. One day we will open our own vintage store. Read me. We will. Last weekend we went to a vintage fair and spent the whole time imaginary buying for our imaginary store. You know when you were a kid and you would walk around the supermarket with your invisible trolley choosing the food for the dolls you had waiting for you at home? That was us.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this dream lately, spurred largely by watching Lily Allen’s documentary From Riches to Rags. I love Lily and the programme followed her and her sister Sarah as they set up their vintage store Lucy in Disguise. Our store wouldn’t be as highbrow as theirs, but watching them sitting in their office and scouring for genius vintage finds made me so very jealous.
Problem is, we’re not quite sure how it’ll ever happen for us. How we’d be able to afford giving up work, spending months buying stock and then finding and setting up the perfect store. But the great thing about dreams? You don’t need to figure that kind of stuff out to keep them alive. Dreams don’t care about time constraints or bank statements. They happily live on despite all the barriers.
You have to have a dream. Something to aim for, to wish for. Something that, despite all the odds and doubts, could one day actually happen. We’re holding on tight to our dream and someday, you’ll have to come visit us in our little vintage store.