I have a bit of a thing for samplers. My Grandma’s house is full of Victorian ones that I’ve always loved and I made numerous ones for her when I was younger. I really wanted one to hang in our own home, to signify our marriage, and I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out. I took aspects from numerous books I’ve found in charity shops over the years and added my own random bits here and there. I love the bright colours against the cloth I tea-stained, and the free Love pattern I found on an awesome site I’ve now lost the link to (darn it).
But the thing I’m most pleased with? It looks as neat on the back as it does on the front. Well, mostly. Something my Grandma will be very proud of.
ps. tune in tomorrow for some exciting news...
So today we spent the only sunshine of the week outside varnishing them and decking (geddit) them out in their new fabric.
High fives B for a darn marvellous revamp. Low fives me for a really terrible pun.
ps. Almost forgot. Happy Fathers Day Papa. Love you lots and see you soon xx

ps. That’s another one to tick off this list.
And in other news, some recent charity shop finds that I’m rather pleased with. A pretty, pretty dress that’s perfect for the summer and some vintage pillow cases that will brighten up the bedroom. All for the grand sum of £9.

My grandparent’s took my Dad and his sister’s there when they were kids too, and used to hang a towel out of the bedroom window of the house they stayed in each year so the kids knew it was time for lunch and to head home from the beach. How awesome is that? Then years later, when I was about 8, Grandma and Grandpa started taking my brother, sister and I every year too. We would always leave before dawn to miss the traffic, then stop on Dartmoor to see the wild horses and cook up some sausage sandwiches on the way.
When my Grandpa retired ten years ago, my grandparents made the move to Cornwall and now live about half an hour from St. Ives. Ever since, we’ve all traipsed down there with the addition of boyfriends and girlfriends, and eventually two teeny nephews.
For the whole family, going to St Ives is like going home. We know those cobbled streets like the back of our hands. New shops come and go, but the place never really changes. It’s the same today as it was when my Grandparent’s first took my Pa more than 40 years ago.
And this year, as we do every year, we’ll be packing the ingenious beach changing device my Grandma whipped up back in the 60s. This tubular towel has an elasticated hole in the top for your head and ensures you can whip off your swimming gear without an awkward exposè. Classic.
ps. that first picture is of my, my sis and bro on our first trip to St. Ives. I can't decide whose outfit I love the most!

Apart from the crocheting it’s going to be a pretty lazy weekend in the sunshine. It was the hottest day of the year so far today apparently and I’m hoping that record will be beaten tomorrow. Have an awesome one people, whatever your plans xx
Fanime is my favorite convention in California... I love it so much! This year though was different... I had fun but not as much as I usually do. It had some perks, like being in Ackson's videos >.