Meh..Black Friday...

Went shopping today around 4am.
It was crazy-packed at Wal-Mart. Couldn't even breathe... I didn't buy anything for me, I felt selfish if I did. I didn't really buy anything cause my aunt who I've been working for isn't paying me until payday (which is Monday). ;[

I'm feelin' a bit depressed because there's so much cosplay crap I want to do but I can't afford to right now. It really sucks... I need to do something today but I feel all blah...and lazy.

(.___.); Meh. Hope everyone survived Black Friday if they went...I know I survived but shopping on 2 hours of sleep sucked hard.


P.S. I did this video the other day....No. I'm not trying to look like Yoite D:

Do you like waffles...?


I don't think Hatori likes waffles that much...

I hope Gure and I find a Hatore. ;~;


I love my hairz. I also love goofin' off on photoshop and being a 'tard.

My phone was being stupid today too. Freakin' tickin' me off. I also tried getting ahold of Gure but apparently.....HE WAS TOO BUSY FOR ME D:<


Ayame & Shigure FOREVER. XD

I went to Gure's house yesterday....We drove down main street first (Yes, he let me drive!!). ALL the stores we thought we might stop by were closed. Who closes at 11pm? CHEAP. We were like "What the heeeeeeeeck.....". So we stopped by Valero and got some hot chocolate (Gure got some other coffee cacca) then headed to his house.
Oookaaay, back to Sheik and Kay-chan.. After Kay's big dog of drooling doom (Demetri, her St.Bernard) knocked my hot cocoa and slightly burned my haaaand....we chilled at the computers and watched Fruits Basket moments. We were cracking up...I miss that show. Heheheh. It was fun though. :] We also started working on styling her wig for Chidori but didn't finish. It'll take longer than I thought it would to begin with.

I haven't bought anything for my Ayame cosplay though...aside from the wig which hasn't come in yet (probably in like a week in a half or more). Kay-chan bought a pattern we'll use though for the tops...I kind of want to buy the pants if I can find matching cotton pants. I just really don't want to make the pants...and then they turn out like crap and I wasted fabric. I can't afford to waste fabric right now. ;_;

Aww...I'm tired. Please check out Kay-chan's blog if you haven't! :]


D: New Blogger...

My friend Kay-chan (My Shigure~!!) converted into bloggism so now she has a blog on here. D: Feel free to add her, you guys. She's cool... D: AND BECAUSE I said so. Heheheheh. I'm pretty sure that's the link. If anything she's one of my followers..--->>

Alright! Got to go...I have more cleaning to do before the gathering begins..(Here)

Oh and my hair is black now. I missed it. *~* Pics later...

Re-post: R.I.P. Beeb.

My hamster was found dead today. :( When I went to feed him he didn't move from his little red tube...He was stiff.

I cried really bad. I didn't even think I'd take it so hard. It was mostly because of the guilt I felt. I felt I had neglected him. He was staying at my dad's while I've been living at my moms. I fed him every few days..and I should have taken better care of him and fed him more... He didn't allow me to hold him so I never did. He was always scared of me the day I got him. .__. Sometimes I'd feel like crying seeing the boring life he had. All he could do was run in his wheel...and sleep.

Ugh...It's just depressing right now. I feel so bad... I burried him under the bush infront of my mom's place. I placed a little red rose over it too. (._______.)

R.I.P. Beeb 11-18-09

Back to Black.

Kay-chan is coming over today and we'll be going to Wal-mart to buy hair dye. I'm going back to black hair...and she's redying hers because it faded. THEN we plan on adding a blonde streak in somewhere. ;D

I'm going to help her buy a wig online that she wants. She doesn't have a card so I buy it for her with mine and then she just pays me the money in cash. Tis all good. :D We love wigs...ahhhhhhhhhhh XDDDDDDDDDDDD I've never actually cosplayed anyone and used my real hair. o__o; Hrm.

So excited. My friend Keika even said if she can, she'd do Akito (she's going as Leon from Tales of Destiny) but she really liked FruitsBasket so yeah. Her hair is just like Yuki's but she can't stand him..and Akito looks kind of like him so yeah. XD It's too bad we don't have a Hatori. I think he's cool D:. Especially since he's best friends with Ayame and Shigure.

We fail at making up our minds. (-__-);

Indeed we do. So unfortunately we will not be doing our Ouran High School Host Club (Long name -__-) crossplay for AOD. FORTUNATELY...we've gone back to doing Ayame and Shigure (Kay-chan and I) which makes me very happy because I love Ayame. I'm year of the snake too...not that it really matters. XD

Heh heh...Oh yeah did I mention...I BOUGHT MY SILVERY WHITE WIG FOR AYAME TOO?!?! I couldn't handle it. I found one on sale for $26. An ebay store online was having a wig sale for these coming Holidays so I took advantage and purchased it!
Tis a lovely wig indeed, I must say.

Outfit I want to do. I will hopefully look man enough in it.

The wig I got. :]

"Because I'll make a maaan out of YOU!"

Why am I reading more manga? All it does is make me add more to my "Future Cosplay List"
Okay. So I haven't exactly crossplayed yet but I want to.

I now have 2 characters I want to crossplay...and now THREE. Who? Squalo Superbi *~* From Hitman Reborn! He's sooo....awesome and HAWT. XD Rofl.


I just hope I could pull him off. Could I? :[

Btw. I'm going back to my black hair. I'm tired of this..weird mixed brown. ;/

Buono notte.

Auuughh..Less Harvest Moon more cosplay? :[

I'm freakin obsessed with Harvest Moon: Tree of Tanquility right now. I finally made my first 3 rainbows, I have two more to go. I can't wait until Julius moves in. I'm going to marry him~!!! XD He's sooo cute and loves Fashion like meee..rofl. Candace ain't got nothin' on me! (My rival in the game =.=)

Oh and no cosplay stuff today...MAYBE later tonight but I just got back from working a little while ago so I'm pretty tired and dirty. I need a hot shower....(e___e);

I'm thinking for the Sakura Blossom Festival in San Francisco next April I will cosplay as Maya from HM. :] It's three of the members in my cosplay group's birthday (including me) so I think we'll all be going to that. People cosplay to it! :D It'll be held in Japantown. ^~^

My Julius *~*!!!!!!! Yes, he's a he. >:O

CosplayDNA = Love

Okay. Kay-chan wins at life. She found this amazing wig site where she purchased her first wig and is very much in love with it. D: She bought a long Auburn, heat resistant wig for only $30. It's silky smooth, hardly tangles and you can use curling iron/straightners on it.

I usually buy from YanKenShop or Designer Wigs and...whatever it was called but this site has won me over. I always have a slight fear of "What if this wig is totally wrong when I get it and I don't have time to switch it back?!" I also hate wasting time too. >__>; Anyway. I think this store is SORT of new because I never ran into it in the past..and I've bought 9 wigs from Ebay stores. (I've also never had a problem with eBay shopping so I am happy.)

ANYWAY. The point of this blog post was to show the wig I want! Click Here! It's the blonde wig I'm thinking I will get for my Tamaki cosplay.. ya? It should work. I haven't found anything with a good price and fine quality that will work for him yet (aside from this one).

I also really need to keep working on my Princess Agitha...and gathering more material for Mercede's crazy cross bow (What's up with me cosplaying small girls with crazy ginormous weapons? >__>)

-cough- Mercedes -cough-

She's adorable, but I won't really start on her until next year...since it's for our Fanime Odin Sphere group cosplay. But yaaaaaaaaaa. I'm going now. Need to draw some avatars for TinieMe friends. (TinierMe is so addicting...and so much cuter than Gaia. >:O)

Surprise Kay-chan!

So my friend Kay-chan was sick today so Ne-chan and surprised her with soup and
of course, our presence. :D
She was very surprised and happy to see us. We mostly talked about our crossplay plans for AOD and looked at pictures online of other crossplayers and characters we might also crossplay as.
It was fun. I just hope she gets well soon.

Oh! We're not doing Ayame and Shigure anymore. It's official. :[ (Although I will probably do Ayame later on...) Anyway. SOOOOOOO....Wanna know what we have chosen? Oh and I must say. Every cosplayer has to do AT LEAST one cosplay that is totally OVER-done. XD
You ready for this...........huh huh huh?!?! XD
..Okay behold..thy characters:

Ne-chan & I as:

Kyouya & Tamaki

Kay-chan as:


Ahh yes. This is indeed the Ouran High School Host Club. Very over done BUT we won't be wearing the usual uniforms we! :D

We also plan on carrying around trays with items on them. XD

Ahh....I can't wait to be a man. I will have squealing fangirls. o.o; Oh god..
Oh god...........


I'll be ording my blonde wig soon.

Crossplay Decision Making... :(

Ugh. Very big cosplay nerd moment!

You know how I said I decided on Ayame? Well now I'm not sure. My friend might not be Shigure after all and I don't know if I want to go as a male with long hair. I might just be mistaken for a girl character...who looks slightly manly because of no make up and thicker brows (I'm going to use make up to thicken them)

:[ So I'm not sure who I want to crossplay as yet! I DO though. I want to be a MAN. O_O

XD It just seems soooo fun. I'm really excited for AOD.

Harvest Moon has me addicted. Animal Crossing hasn't been getting any love because of it. I can't wait until I unlock Julius. He's the man I have chosen to go after. XD He's freakin hawt. I flirt with everyone in the town though, I even give girls gifts...except I will not befriend Candace. She's my rival =.=;

What games are you guys playing? :D


Ayame & the Tree of Tranquility....

^~^ Sooo......watching Friends right now. Kind of feelin' under the weather today.

I started playing Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility for the Wii. I think I'm going to go for the boy who likes to receive flowers and perfume. He's cute...~ XD I just forgot his name.

Also, I think I decided on who I'm going to crossplay as for AOD (Anime on Display) an anime convention in San Francisco. I've decided to go as Ayame from Fruits Basket along with my friend who's going as Shigure ... We had other characters in mind but we ended up just choosing from the same anime because it's awesome and they're like best friends...and it's cute :O

Oh my.

I hope I win the Cosplay costume contest I just entered myself in. That would be nice, but if not..ah well.

Watch out for glass doors...... D:

Animal Crossing: Halloween

[A little late. I know! I even mentioned in my other blog how I didn't have time to really blog on Halloween. I was busy with costume making and a party.]

Okay. For those of you who have AC already know this... Halloween on that game is freakin' cute... BUT it ticked me off! Those little animal's are brats! They DEMAND candy from you and if you don't give any they turn your head into a pumpkin and your clothes into rags. They're evil! I wanted to slap the little brats. I was trying to give all my candy to Jack but they would run into me with their demands and even steal my candy if I didn't give it. Ugh. I also wish I had bought more candy... I got a few of the spooky furniture pieces though so I'm not too disappointed. I love how they changed the music and had everyone trick or treating (Even if they did do it wrong.) It was cute. :) Everyone looked like this.. --> and you had to figure out who was Jack..because he's the one who actually gives you cool stuff back.

Anyway...I'm tired now. I woke up sick this morning because of all the junk I ate at the party that night. @_@ Blegh.

Hope you all had a great Halloween!