I'm going to help her buy a wig online that she wants. She doesn't have a card so I buy it for her with mine and then she just pays me the money in cash. Tis all good. :D We love wigs...ahhhhhhhhhhh XDDDDDDDDDDDD I've never actually cosplayed anyone and used my real hair. o__o; Hrm.
So excited. My friend Keika even said if she can, she'd do Akito (she's going as Leon from Tales of Destiny) but she really liked FruitsBasket so yeah. Her hair is just like Yuki's but she can't stand him..and Akito looks kind of like him so yeah. XD It's too bad we don't have a Hatori. I think he's cool D:. Especially since he's best friends with Ayame and Shigure.