1. On Tuesday my best friend's waters broke almost a month early. This morning (yup, 4 days later) she gave birth to our beautiful God daughter Amelia. The newest member of our family. Congratulations Em and Gary. You guys are the best and we love you lots.
2. It's snowed. Again. These are some shots from our front door and one of our neighbour's pretty Christmas wreath. The snow makes everything so festive. And has led to many renditions of Let It Snow.
3. It's been Christmas madness at work. Christmas meal on Thursday and then last night the work Christmas party. Very fun indeed with lots of dancing and maybe a couple of cocktails. The night ended with a group of us stranded at the venue, in the snow, in heels for about an hour after the party finished. Note to self: next time book a taxi more than 5 minutes before you want to leave.
4. My new camera got caught up in all the snow and won't arrive now until Tuesday. Bummer.
With such events unfolding I've been left in a funny old mood. Christmas is less than a week away and my best friend now has a daughter. It's all rather surreal. Awesomely fantastic, but surreal all the same. Such a huge change for the New Year. I wonder what else 2011 will offer up. One thing's for sure. It's now going to involve lots of girly shopping trips and pretty baby dresses. I can't wait.