So how, when you’re 26, do you meet new friends? People you can connect to, have something in common with, share life’s adventures? Last year I enrolled in a sewing class at my local college in the hope of meeting a few fellow creative people. No such luck. At work I have a laugh with lots of funny ladies, but no-one I would ever meet outside working hours.
I’ve met some awesome gals thanks to this little blog. People I really think I could be good friends with. And often I feel a teeny pang of jealousy when I see some of you getting together, meeting for coffee. That’s what the New Year can do. It can make you think about what you’d like to change in your life, make more of an effort with or maybe what you’re missing.
Last night B and I watched I Love You, Man. It was pretty funny and followed the premise of a 30 something guy who realises he had no real friends when he was faced with the problem of choosing his best man. So he sets about finding some. Ok, so it was all done in a very movie-land way, but it got me thinking.
A couple of years ago I cut a few “friends” out of my life. Ever done that? Man, it’s hard. These were girls who I’d hung around with since senior school but as we all changed and moved on the realisation of how I shared nothing with these girls dawned on me. In fact, in many ways, these were the type of people I now avoid. And so I didn’t invite them to our wedding. That’ll do it for you. Sever the ties. And you know what? I feel so much better for it. Now my friends are all super duper people. Ones I love spending time with. But I just wish one of them lived in my town.
I think the best blogs are those that are honest and share their feelings. And this topic is one I’ve been thinking about a lot of the last few days. Still. I’m sorry if this post has bummed you out. It kinda has me.