
Isn’t it funny how things that were once pretty important in your life can very quickly fall by the wayside?

I don’t have any vices really. I don’t smoke, very rarely drink. But my guilty pleasure? Magazines. From British and international fashion magazines to homes magazines and even the occasional gossip mag. I could easily spend £30 upwards a month. Easy.

Then New Year 2010 I decided to go cold turkey on the gossip mags. I felt that maybe I was becoming a little too obsessed by who that celeb was dating or what this celeb got up to last Saturday. And that was it. Haven’t bought or read one since. High fives for me. But throughout 2010 I also found myself buying fewer and fewer fashion and home magazines. In fact I haven’t read a Vogue in about 5 months.

No Vogue? But I love fashion. Weird, eh? Thing is, I think the world of blogs has replaced my need for a magazine. Sure, sometimes there’s a story or interview I want to read (hence the Nylon – I heart Sofia Coppola) but why buy a magazine, half of which doesn’t interest or appeal to me, when I can check in with my favourite blogs and see or read something that really speaks to who I am and what I’m up to?

This is a hot topic for me right now. After all, I work in the print industry. I write for a magazine every month. But things change, right? We’re on a pretty tight budget right now, where £30 extra a month makes a real difference, and weddings or little businesses or future plans have maybe replaced a passion for what’s heading down the catwalk this season.

Then again, this lady does have a point...