Taken on Monday at our friend’s wedding, when we got all dolled up. Once The Bump and I finally found something that fit. As discussed it’s not the bump that’s the issue it’s the boobs, but this charity shop find was perfect and displayed my round belly in all its glory. I even managed to rock a pair of heels for the full 9 hours.
And here’s what’s in the belly at 20 weeks. We decided not to find out if it’s a boy or girl baking away in there, so if you’re a sonographer in your spare time and can tell what it is, please keep it surprise! The scan showed some rather long skinny legs and big feet (exactly like B) on a rather wiggly little sprite. And since Sunday I’ve been feeling these kicks and punches properly. Real “stop you in your tracks” stuff. Not strong enough to feel outside of the belly yet, much to B’s dismay, but give the bub a week or two and Papa should be feeling them too. Right now he’s content with plenty of tummy rubs and chats with whose inside. Heart-melting stuff. As if I didn’t love the boy enough.
ps. Check out the Happy Circus bows over at The Beetle Shack. Is this the most attractive fun family or what?!