Sorry for the total lack of blogging over the last week. It’s been a tough one and I’ve got to say that the full time work and rather disturbed, restless sleep is a tricky combo that is taking its toll. Evenings have been spent doing pretty boring bits and bobs around the house and it’s all been rather uninspiring from a blog post point of view. Still, less than three weeks left of work and the newbie starts on Monday so I’ll be happily passing plenty of work his way…to give him lots of practice and not because I’m feeling lazy, obviously.
While all this is going on outside the bump, the baby is clearly having a lovely time mooching around inside. Over the last week we’ve had hiccups (three nights in a row) and some dancing too, when B played it some music. A Jurassic Five track with a Cuban beat seemed to get the biggest reaction. Happy things that make little sleep and achy hips all worthwhile.
While I'm trying not to focus too hard on specific dates (I swear no woman on my side of the family has ever had their baby early or on time) the board on our fridge offers a pretty cool countdown that B changes every day and every week. Roughly 49 days until we meet you little bird.