You've got to commend my Dad on the awesomeness of the random gifts you get at Christmas nowadays. As well as the beautiful necklace (gold and silver combo, a bird and a tree - what more do you need?) were two issues of Pins and Needles magazine, a Viyella Nursery pattern book and The Pictorial Guide to Modern Home Knitting, which you have to admire for the name alone. There are patterns a-plenty that will be getting stitched up asap for Baby and for around the house. Thanks Papa. x
And so, I reckon this will be the last post from round these parts for now. Come Friday we have 10 blissful days of Ben being at home so we're looking forward to food, fun and plenty of long and lazy lie-ins, rubbing this massive belly of mine. Our last Christmas just me and The Boy.
I hope that you have the most beautiful of Christmas' and that 2012 brings amazing adventures for you all. Thanks for reading this year, I love every comment and I can't wait to share our journey as parents with this awesome little community.
See you on the other side,
Nell xxx