Tomorrow Josephine turns six months old. Half a year already. It's been a crazy month in terms of development for our teeny Phiney bird. Teeth, sitting by herself (kinda), food, food and more food and sleeping through the night (kinda).

Likes: Food, kisses, being in Mama and Papa's bed, jumping and standing and making really really big splashes in the bath. Also the random old ladies who say hello to her when we're in the village, dancing, music, saying "Dadada", seeing other babies and children and, oh yeah, more food.
Dislikes: Waiting for food and watching other people eat when she's not; rolling on to her front and getting stuck (frustrating for all involved at 3.30am); her teeth coming through, being in her pram when the rain-cover's on for too long and the fact that she can't crawl or walk already. She's very impatient and determined.
What makes her smile more than anything: Chattering your teeth together in front of her and saying 'boo' to her very loudly and making her jump. She also things it's pretty funny when she sneezes, when her dolls and teddies 'talk' to her and being tickled.
Favourite toys: Her dolly, imaginatively named Dolly, Old Stripey and her baby gym. She's just started to think that mobile phones and remote controls are also play things. They're not, and she gets very annoyed about that.
Mama's favourite thing: That she reaches out to me when she wants some Mama-time; even if she's been with just me all day, she still thinks I'm pretty cool. And watching her with Ben. The love they have for each other floors me and makes my heart the happiest it's ever been.
Papa's favourite thing: When I (Ben) get her up in the morning and she whispers "Dadada" to me and her absolute love for food.
Career Prediction: Adventurer. The girl's a thrill seeker and wants to explore everything and everywhere. When she figures out how to move around properly, they'll be no stopping her. Watch your back Bear Grylls.

ps. tomorrow is the last day of the giveaway so make sure you go enter here.