This has been a difficult month for our little bird. Namely because she's spent the majority of it ill (hence my lack of blogging). Last week she was put on antibiotics for a chest and ear infection and they really seem to have worked. She's (mostly) back to herself and it's lovely to see her happy again after a lot of gloomy days.
Over the weekend, with her medicine kicking in, Phiney started back on the walking journey and has completed some pretty impressive treks. Seeing her walk is the most crazy thing. She's still so small! It's awesome to see and she has the biggest smile on her face as she paces the room.
There are also more words being spoken, animal noises being impersonated (she does a great monkey, lion, dog, snake and duck now) and antics being shown that make us realise she's quickly, too quickly, becoming a toddler. Including the odd tantrum, which it's hard not to laugh at I must admit. The girl can be ever so dramatic when she wants to be...
As Christmas gets closer and closer, Josephine's excitement is growing. I think she's picking up the festive vibes Ben and I are giving off and is enthralled by the Christmas tree and opening her advent calender. It's going to be so lovely watching her over the coming week, as friends and family visit and presents are given and received.
I can hardly believe her next (and last) Monthly Portriat will be 12 months. We'll have a one year old! How did that happen? But before all that, we have an amazing few weeks to look forward to. Christmas is so much more fun with our tiny dancer around :)