When Fritha contacted me about arranging a little local blogger meet-up, I was all for it. When she mentioned that she'd managed to get us four free entries to the Thermae Bath Spa including a yummy lunch, it sounded even more tempting.
Fritha had also got in touch with my fellow Bath blogger Lia and her fellow Bristol blogger Abi, who were both lovely - it was really fun to soak in the mineral filled waters and chat about family, babies, life and blogging (It's so funny to meet people for the first time and yet know so much about their lives!)
Often, when you've lived in the same place for so long, you can forget how wonderful some of the attractions are; that people flock from around the world to come and visit what's on your doorstep. I often felt that way when we lived on The Circus a few years ago. Sometimes you need to stop and take a proper look around, remind yourself of the beauty in where you're living. So it was great to get a little tour and hear the history of the spa in Bath before our session started, and to experience the lovely warm spa waters in a modern/historical setting.
The indoor pool offered the perfect setting for a good chat with new friends, and the water seems to have done wonders for my cold weather induced dry hands, while the rooftop pool was amazing and offered awesome views across the city. But I think my favourite part was the steam rooms, each of which had been infused with aromatherapy oils; very hot and sweaty, but super refreshing and it was lovely to feel so warm after the arctic temperatures we've been experiencing lately.
And when all the steam and spa waters were enough, we were treated to a delicious three course meal, of which the marshmallow and white chocolate semi-freddo was most definitely my favourite. Mmmmmmm.....
Ben and I went to the Spa many years ago but this trip reminded me what a great date destination it would be; just a couple of hours alone to sit back and relax, and discuss future plans and adventures.