It was with interest that I read Claire's post today. Her blog is absolutely one of my favourites. Her honest and sweet words, along with her glorious pictures, make it one of the most authentic blogs out there. Claire has decided to take a blogging break, for now, and it got me thinking about my own little space of the Internet.
I absolutely agree with her thoughts on the messages we send, as bloggers, in our posts. That, through carefully selected words and pictures, someone's life can seem peachy and perfect from the outside. I know that this blog certainly reflects only a small section of our lives. The happy times, the best pictures, the most interesting things we do. So I thought I'd tell you a little more about how I use this space and why I choose to share what I do.
I made a very conscious decision about six months ago regarding what I wanted from this space. I wanted it to be a diary. A space to jot down, reflect and share these first years as husband and wife, and as parents. A space we can look back on in years to come and remind ourselves of the little things that passing years may have caused us to forget. A space to display our favourite photographs, rather than loosing them in the never-ending albums on our computer. And of course a place to connect with others around the world, to find support and solidarity and advice.
It is because of this that I don't really talk about bad days (Josephine has been teething for a week and has been an utter delight; fighting sleep, always wanting to be picked up, generally moaning for large periods of the day!) or why I don't reflect on the absolute lack of money we have right now (the bills are paid, the food is bought, but after that we're counting our pennies); why I don't torture myself wishing for houses we can't afford to buy (we rent our flat and I honestly can't see a time when we'll have saved enough to cover a deposit in the crazy expensive part of the world we live in) or moan about the constant washing up, ironing and tidying up there is to do (there's always hoards of all the above and I'm normally way behind in keeping up with it all).
Sure there may be times when I'm not here as much as I have been and there may be posts that aren't as meaningful or thought-provoking as others (I can't help but post random pictures of our gorgeous girl sometimes!) but I know in a few years I'll be thankful that I kept at it and made the time to sit down and blog. And I thank you for sticking with me through it all. I read every comment and love that you take the time to pop over and say hello.
I feel like I'm getting back in the blogging zone so fingers crossed I'll see you soon xx