Since finishing the Monthly Portrait series I've missed the reminder to write (or type) about the little changes in Josephine; the new developments, the funny things she says and does. I thought this landmark would be the perfect opportunity to record those bits and bobs we don't ever want to forget.
^^ You gather the fallen leaves from the trees in the garden, and meticulously place them on the netting over the strawberry patch. Every day.
^^ You pat Jenny's back when you give her cuddles, to comfort her. As I do to you.
^^ When I do the washing up at lunchtime, as you sit and eat your food, the sun bounces off the water in the sink and light glimmers on the wall. 'Fairy!' you cry. And we watch it dance across the ceiling.
^^When I get you dressed and do your hair in the morning, you like to run to the mirror and see what you look like. You smile the biggest smile to your reflection, and often (hilariously) say 'pretty'. You certainly are my gorgeous girl. When I get dressed, you often say the same to me too. And I love you so much for that.
^^Every day new words, and yesterday you put three words together for the first time. 'Here go, Daddy' you said, as you passed him the hose pipe in the garden. You've since said the same thing again to Daddy and also 'here go Mama' about 75 times!
^^You were born to be outside. I doubt you're happier than when you are, especially if Daddy's around to help plant vegetables and water the garden with. The new hose we were given was a massive hit with you.
^^Teddy and Jenny go everywhere with you, as does your pram. They picnic with you, head to the 'shops' with you, sit on the sofa and play in the garden with you. You will always love them, I'm sure.
^^Falling over. If Daddy or I sit on the floor (or anyone else for that matter) it's not long before you're pushing us over, shouting with glee 'ova, ova!' Then you pull us up (often frowning and grunting 'heavy!') before pushing us back down. It's the most hilarious thing, apparently. Quite often, you then climb on us and make 'clip clop' sounds. Mama's and Daddy's make pretty good horses.
^^Twirling, twisting, dancing. Always.
^^Strawberries and peas from the garden are hard to beat. Especially if you've picked them with Daddy.
^^Saturday morning is Mama's lie-in so you and Daddy have a lazy time, messing around downstairs. Bacon sandwiches are a big part of this tradition, and a favourite with both of you.
^^With the current heat wave BBQs have been the meal of choice (in the last 3 weeks we've had double what we had all last summer!) Hot dogs are your favourite. Chilli and garlic sausages, bread rolls and ketchup. All make you a very happy bunny.
^^You love music as much ever. Your favourite song right now is 'Happy Birthday'. You sing it over and over, whether or not it's someone's birthday.
^^On a rainy day about a month ago, we cuddled on the sofa and watched Mary Poppins on Netflix Kids (well, the first 45 minutes at least. That is one long film!) I've never seen you react as quickly to a song as you did when Julie Andrews started singing 'A Spoonful of Sugar'. The song, the dancing toys, the whistling bird, Jane and Michael; you adored it all, and danced so happily for the entire song. It was so awesome.
I think I may revisit these headings, when I remember. To make a note of these moments in time that we will always cherish.