Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone. Long time no--post? I apologize. AGAIN.
I don't think I will apologize anymore. Just don't expect many post like I use to have up!
So what has been up with me? Well not a lot exactly. I've been active on other online sites but I just haven't been in the blogging mood. Since it would be too much to write about how I've been personally I think I'll just inform you all on what's going on cosplay-wise?
ANI-VENT! This is a 1 day con/event going on next month in Fresno, CA. I've been asked to be a guest and do a panel on Cosplay so that is what I will be doing! I also asked to have 3 other members of my group with me so they will be joining me in the panel. What are we cosplaying you ask? Well unless I decided completely that I won't be wearing Luxray (Due to weather or something, I don't know) I will be Lavi from D.grayman all day! Kay-chan will be going as Yuu, Ne-chan as Linali(Lenalee) and Aoi kun as Allen Walker. :] We'll all be wearing the casual outfits they wear in the manga so it'll be comfortable! Later on though for like next year, we'll wear the 3rd uniforms of their's. Even though we won't be all "hardcore" I Am SUPER excited for this. I've really grown close to the character and my friends have gotten good at getting in character. We have so many videos we want to do. xD It's not even funny....well maybe...maybe it is.
If any of you guys live near Fresno or something you should go! You can seee usss and we'll totally LIKE HANG OUT. :O But uh yaaaaaaaaaaaah...........................that's next month. July 17th. Saturday. 10am. Fresno Fairgrounds. Be there. D:
Look for us! :D
Bye guys~!!!