From the moment we got engaged, we knew what we wanted our wedding to be. Young and fun and everything that went with that, so when it came to designing our Save the Date cards we knew we wanted to reflect this. After all this will be the first glimpse our guests will have of what our wedding will be like. So we called in my sister Dora; AKA an artistic genius who had just finished a Fine Art degree. We planned to put her talents to good use across all our wedding stationary and so we talked to her about what wanted and came up with the idea of doodle style postcard with a graffiti hint to it. Then I put a beyond simple font on the back. Perfect.
* when it comes to the perfect time to start a blog, dear readers, it turns out the during the World Cup is it. With my boy determined to watch as many footie matches as possible I can spend guilt free hours on the computer. Luckily for me our computer is in the living room, so I can still get the odd sneaky kiss!