THE RECIPE: Tomato, garlic and basil soup.
- Peel enough tomatoes to line the bottom of your baking tray (sometimes I do this, sometimes not. It depends if I can be bothered).
- Quarter them and place them in the tray.
- Peel the skin off 3/4 cloves of garlic and place them in the tray.
- Grab a good handful of fresh basil and chop. Then add it to the mix.
- Chop a small red chilli and throw that in too.
- Add a couple of grinds of salt and 10 to 15 grinds of pepper (I’m anal, so always go with 13)
- Then glug a load of olive oil over the top.
- Time to get your hands dirty and mix it all together so everything’s covered in the oil.
- Place in the pre-heated oven (between 130-160°c) for about 1hr 30 mins. Or until it looks like the picture.
- While that’s cooking, chop half a white onion and soften in a pan with some olive oil.
- Add another clove of crushed garlic (yeah, we’re massive garlic lovers in our house)
- Add a tbsp of tomato puree.
- And if you want to, some chopped celery. Although I find that this leaves the soup a bit stringy, so nowadays I tend to leave it out. Whatever rocks your boat though, right?
- Take it off the heat once it’s all soft and lovely.
- When everything’s cool, it’s time to put everything in the blender. Add a sprinkling of sugar (to help even the acidity of the tomatoes) and a good splash of vegetable or chicken stock. Then whisk it all up until it’s smooth and lovely.
- Pot it up and it lasts in the fridge for about 4 days. Oh, and tastes yummy.
Food is a massive love in our lives (B loves to cook it and I love to eat it) so I think I might make recipes a part of this blog. Recipe Corner maybe. Or something else just as cheesy and 1970s sounding. Any recipes you have conquered and made your own? Send ‘em over.