The weekend was cool though, kicking off with a surprise trip out for food - a real treat at the moment, so thank you B! Saturday was spent catching up on much needed sleep (we’d nearly forgotten what a lie-in was!) before an awesome, very late night out on the town. Then Sunday was spent eating BBQ thanks to my genius Papa before a round of Boules in the sunshine. Pretty sweet weekend really.
I also finally got round to chucking my Chucks into the washing machine for a much needed wash. I was pretty chuffed with how clean they came out and it’s helped me resist buying another pair (we’re pretty Converse obsessed in our house!) I am still desperate for my yellow high tops though...
I also gave B’s hand decorated Converse a bit of a dusting. I got my sis to decorate these awesome trainers as an anniversary present for B so he rarely wears them in case they get wrecked. I figured they were cool enough to deserve a picture.