So my little blog has won an award. The Versatile Blogger award, from the lovely Kellie. I'm not entirely sure what the award name means but a prize is a prize, right, so I'm taking it. I'm to link back to the person who awarded it to me, divulge seven things about myself, and pass it on to seven great blogs I follow (letting them know via a comment).
So here we go...
1. B is the only boy I’ve ever kissed and was my first boyfriend. I was the geekiest (so we all know that bit’s still true), most naïve girl ever and then I met B. He was a bad influence. But the two years at sixth form were some of the most fun of our lives. Even if my grades did plummet.
2. I hate cheese. I can just about tolerate a small amount on pizza and lasagne, but my worst nightmare is a grated cheese sandwich. Hello pukesville. This is tough when you’re married to the world’s biggest cheese lover.
3. My Dad is a Costume Designer so I’ve spent many a fun time in wardrobe departments around the world and found myself in some pretty random situations. I once had a conversation with Tom Hanks in the middle of a marshy field; when B and I were visiting my Dad in Berlin we ended up clubbing with Jackie Chan and his entourage and my sis, bro and I once went to a cinema in Prague with Bruce Willis.
4. I have an irrational fear that one day an insect or creature will get caught in my hair. This has led to a serious phobia of anything that flies or jumps. Birds, moths, grasshoppers, frogs. They all freak me out. Give me a spider any day.
5. I can’t eat dairy. Oak milk is my savour. Although I am partial to a soy hot chocolate.
6. When I was a kid, the other children in my class used to call us The Adams Family because we were a bit different to all of them. I think they meant it as an insult but we took it as a complement. My Mum installed in us the belief that unique and different is best. Plus, man oh man, we loved that movie.
7. My favourite colour is green. My favourite shade changes everyday.
I'm passing this on to:
Fast Times in Munchen
Pocketful of Pretty
Crowley Party
Rose & Crown
Me, Myself & Jeff
A Mountain Bride
Pictures taken on Sunday when my sis and I took the boys to the park. It gets dark here at 4.30 now. And Ty's just in a t-shirt because he was running round like a crazy person for about half an hour before this was taken. Just in case you were thinking I was a terrible Auntie!!