Has anyone else noticed the number of posts appearing in the blogosphere featuring inspiring sayings or mottos over the last week or so? Maybe it’s got something to do with the New Year fast approaching, and dreams and resolutions for 2011 being formed.

I’m normally not good at sticking to resolutions. For as long as I can remember I’ve had one and only one. Stop biting my nails. Well this year I did it. Full on stopped. I think the thought of gnawed nails at my wedding was the driving force. Not really a good bridal look. They’re not crazy long or anything, but there’s white at the ends. This is new for me.

Around April time I formed another resolution (yeah OK it was a bit late, but it’s the thought that counts). I decided that I needed to make more of a concerted effort to keep in touch with people. We have friends all over the place and sometimes the weeks of not speaking or emailing turn into months and before you know it it’s been a few years since you last saw each other. My hen weekend and our wedding meant we saw all our favourite people lots, which was the most awesome thing, so ever since I’ve been trying to keep up with keeping in touch. Even the odd text message is better than nothing, right? But the last couple of months have been and gone with not much writing at all. It appears my fingers have been too busy knitting and blogging. This has to change and I vow to write one catch-up letter/email a week. This is my pre-New Year resolution.

My Grandma is the queen of snail mail and has drawers stocked with writing sets and notelets, ready to send out. Just like this one. They are always pretty and say beautiful things. I have stacks of notes from her that I cherish and I plan to follow her lead.