(me practicing with a wig I already have heheh)
I bought vinyl. I'm a bit worried. I've heard it kind of gets tricky making outfits out of Vinyl material but I think I am up to the challenge. I like challenges---sort of.
So I abused JoAnn's sale and bought 5 different types of fabric for the price of $24! I still need fabric for my Rikku and Sheik costumes but I got some to work on Rikku's outfit. I had NO luck with finding a good stretchy blue for Sheik. I might have to start over and get new fabric for the whole body suit part so I can find the right blues together. ;__; Siiiiigh I bought that bolt at Wal-Mart risking this issue and it happened. Oh well, you learn from your mistakes!
I'm super excited to work on all my costumes but even MORE excited to see my fiance this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh I have someone to help me with my props whenever I run into a random problem at home. ^-^; Yeah, I don't know..I'm so excited though. He's like my best friend, which is good I guess considering I'll be marrying him. :] We both like to work on things alone..so when we're in the room working on stuff it's kind of quiet and relaxing. We get a lot done. So he won't be too much of a distraction... Maaaaybe at first since I haven't seen him in 7 months lol but...yeah. I'm just excited.
In any case. I can't wait to get more RIkku progress done but until he arrives I'm going to keep the room clean ;__; Yeah..I don't feel good right now, my tummy is acting up so I'm going to go now.