This week we've been snuggled indoors, away from the freezing wind that has descended upon us. Pottering about the house, eating yummy food and watching this belly of mine jump around. It may sound boring to some (and over the last couple of weeks has provided little blog inspiration) but actually it's been rather lovely. I'm getting used to listening to my body now, so I'm slowing down and nesting in for the winter that's going to change our lives forever. Savouring these moments of just the two of us while at the same time counting the days until we become three with giddy excitement.
In some ways it seems like we still have so much to do and prepare for before our little one arrives. But ultimately we know we can never be fully prepared or completely ready, so we're letting things get done when they get done, knowing that it will all come together in time.
We're just chillin'.