This week the belly has become know as The Jumping Bean, such is the power of Baby's movements. Real belly-shaking, watch-for-hours stuff. It's awesome to see, although the idea that it's a little person in there is still so surreal. What a wondrous thing our bodies can do, eh.
It's also been seven days of packing away clothes that no longer fit and choosing ones from the wardrobe that are still comfy and leave me feeling good about this changing body of mine. Sometimes when I catch a glimpse of myself in a shop window I'm surprised by my tummy's roundness. It's like looking at yourself in a fairground mirror. But I love it all. Every growth spurt.
And it's crazy to think of how our lives will have changed the next time I pull those clothes on. Crazy cool, that is.
ps. these are the most beautiful pictures. They almost made me cry. And i'm really not a crier. But thinking of B holding our child in his arms for the first time? Well that darn brings a lump to my throat.