In a nutshell though...
*Day by day Josephine and I are learning more and more. Cuddles aside, nothing calms her quicker than a bit of white noise so the bathroom fan and sound of the shower, the fan in the kitchen and my hairdryer all keep her occupied (and often send her to sleep) when Mama's trying to get clean, wash up or make herself look a little presentable. A quick shower and non-frizzy hair make me feel so much more with it and prepared for anything, so have become vital 'to-do's' in the morning and the fact Josephine sits quite happily in her bouncy chair while i'm doing them is a blessing.
*I've started to understand that a bad night, with little sleep or things not going to plan, doesn't mean a bad day or visa versa and it's best to just take every moment as it comes. Plans are pointless with a newborn. For example, on Tuesday night our little bird woke up at least once an hour and I got about 2 hours sleep in total. When Ben left for work I wondered how I was going to make it through the day, but it turned out to be one of best yet. Josephine slept the whole time I was showering (I even shaved my legs and moisturised), we visited my Mum for a bit of lunch and then headed into the village to meet fellow new Mama and lovely lady Ash to introduce our little girls to eachother. A pretty tough night was followed by a really great day.
*I'm so thankful I treated myself to an iPhone (and internet access at my fingertips) before Josephine arrived. Typing comments with my left hand can be tricky, but i'm still visiting all your blogs as much as ever; they're keeping me going through those 4am feeds so that, thank you!
*And speaking of blogs, I have to say that these are fast becoming some of my favourite posts in all of blogland. Kellie is one cool cat and quite possibly my new style icon. Also, check out these wedding pictures. Oh so pretty.
*Little by little I'm writing our Birth Story and Breastfeeding Saga and hope to get both finished over the weekend. Neither went as planned and it's amazing how theraputic writing down your feelings can be in coming to terms with things not turning out how you expected.
*Finally, with blogging a little tricky right now, come follow us on Instagram where I've been adding little snapshots of our first weeks together. Just search FirstDayOfMarriage.
And the picture? Beautiful Josephine soundly dreaming, wrapped in blankets and snuggled up against the February snow.