On Saturday Josephine turned 1 month old. Already. In so many ways it's hard to remember what life was like without her and in others it seems like she only arrived yesterday.
Everyday this little bird of ours changes and develops and learns something new. Over the last week she's started chatting away - to us, to herself and to random objects she spies around the house. When we talk to her she looks right into you, concentrating on every word you're saying and every facial expression. Taking it all in and learning how to replicate it. And we've been getting the occassional smile. Her legs and arms start moving excitedly, she starts cooing away and then she flashes us a big ol' grin. Dimples a-plenty. It's the most beautiful thing and we can't wait until those gummy smiles are a daily occurance..
She's always been strong, but now Josephine can hold her whole upper body and head away from you for minutes at a time. Slowly looking around the room, familiarising herself with her home. And she's as laid back as ever. Only crying when she wants food, a change or has a bit of wind. But even then it's pretty fake, stopping as soon as she gets what she wants.
Our first month as a family of three has been beautiful, surprising, tiring, unforgettable, emotional, challenging, life-affirming, tough, fun...the list could go on. In the vast majority it's been divine. But there have been some tricky times too. What's awesome is that we've worked through them. Our little team, figuring out how to make things better. Waking to each new day with a different action plan, testing new methods and slowly working out what works. An ongoing process that will change and develop as Josephine does. But that's all part of this amazing adventure, and we can't wait for every aspect of it. The good, the bad, even the ugly (aka very poopy nappies and Mama's greasy hair).
We're so in love with our Teeny Phiney, she inspires and amazes us every hour, every day.
ps. I'm just editing our birth story... come back later in the week for the full 40 hour journey. Oh yeah. 40 hours. It's a long 'un people.
pps. Like the knitted dungerees? Head to Happy Circus and grab a pair. They come in a whole array of fruity colours and patterns and are downright cool.
ppps. And speaking of Etsy, check out my lovely friend Liz's new Etsy shop. Josephine has one of those little owls hanging in the nursery and it's beautifully made. Go buy one x