Favourite colour: Green, but I'm partial to a bit of mustard yellow too.
Favourite animal: Don't hate me but I don't like animals, really. Sorry about that. Thankfully I married someone who feels the same. Josephine my darling, you'll be lucky if you're allowed a rabbit when you're older. Sorry poppet!
Non-alcoholic drink: Sparkling Elderflower. When we were younger my Grandma used to call it 'children's wine' and gave it to us in fancy glasses at family dinners.
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook I suppose, because I have an account, but I'm rubbish at updating it. I don't understand Twitter.
Getting or giving presents: Giving. Love the browsing, the buying, the wrapping. Love it all. But that's not to say I don't like a present or two myself...
Favourite flower: Peonies.
Favourite pattern: Stripes or teeny tiny floral, Liberty-style.
Favourite number: 7 and 18.
Favourite day: Love that Friday feeling. 5.30pm when Ben is on his way home and we have the whole weekend in front of us.
Passion: Being a wife and Mama, crafting, thrifting, knitting, blogging, anything vintage, photography, eating and making our home feel happy and look pretty.
And I'm passing this on to...