The last few weeks we've had family occassions galore, our first road trip with Josephine to Norfolk 5 hours away, tonnes of cleaning to do (rather unsuccessfully I might add) Mama and baby groups to attend, new friends to catch up with and fun days out with this little family of mine - the local food festival on Sunday being particularly yummy! And I've got to say that in the majority there is no photographic evidence of any of it. The sign of a good time is when you don't have chance to pick up the camera I reckon.
So instead I thought I'd snap a few little things from around the house today....
*The latest Vogue and the first fashion magazine I've bought in almost a year. I'm interested again after a hiatus thanks to that growing belly of mine.
*Pretty Tete a Tete from my Mum.
*The spring sunshine glowing through the windows this morning, warming up the living room.
*Beautiful Phiney dreaming away.
*Lovely things from lovely people arriving in the mail...more on that to come.
*A very sweet Mama-made present from Jossphine's little mate Bertie, received after a morning trip to our local cafe earlier today.
ps. I'm aware that about 3 weeks ago I said our birth story would be up here soon... it will be, I promise. Soon. Or soonish at least.