
There have been certain times during the last (nearly) three months when the changes our lives have undergone since having a baby really become apparent; none more so than weekends. Since Josephine arrived, those two and a half days (because I always think of Friday after 5.30pm as half a day!) have become even more precious. Time just the three of us is the best in the world and with all the sunshine we've been having, it's even better. But that's not to say I don't miss one of the greatest gifts a weekend can offer...the lie-in.
Sunday morning, previously reserved for the longest of sleeps, was this weekend spent out walking. At 8am. Because a certain little lady decided that, actually, she'd rather not go back to sleep as she does every other day. I cleaned my teeth, pulled on some trainers, stuck on some sunglasses (to hide those tired eyes) and pulled Phiney's coat over her PJs. We walked through the village and all the way along the main road and back, taking a few detours on the way and eventually she fell asleep. You know it's too early when one of the busiest roads in the south west is empty of traffic in both directions.
(Taken with my iPhone. That's our house up there.)

Luckily some midday naps and cuddles in bed with this little monkey helped get us through the rest of the day.

The afternoon was spent browsing a vintage fair in town where I scored these two beautiful vintage dresses. Not sure of the ages exactly, but they're big and I've been warned that it gets harder to find such things for older kids so I snapped them up. Could have happily taken a few things for myself, but this post-pregnancy body isn't quite ready for new clothing purchases.
A good weekend all in all, and only 2 more days until Ben starts his six day holiday from work. SIX days baby! Just lazy times at home and in the garden planned, with the obligatory Easter egg. Or 6. Bring it on.