I started this post writing about how my absence round here was down to it being a tough old week thanks to Phiney's 3 month jabs making her pretty poorly. The lack of sleep has been a killer, and I've spent a few nights stood next to her cot with tears rolling down my cheeks at 3.30am pleading with her to go back to sleep.
But I decided that was a bit self-indulgent. After all, if I was feeling ill and Ben got all pissy about how it was affecting his sleep, that would be pretty mean. And so it is for Josephine. It's not her fault that the blocked nose, gunky eye and throaty cough she's sporting right now are waking her up five times a night.
So instead I thought I'd just post these beautiful pictures Ben took a few weeks ago. And remember to sleep when Josephine's sleeping, breathe and stay calm and treat myself to chocolate biscuits in the middle of the night if that's what will get me through.