
We're back! Apologies for the rather unscheduled absence over the last couple of weeks. Firstly I was preoccupied with sorting the house out in preparation for birthday celebrations, then came the parties themselves and then came the illness. The coughing, runny/blocked nose, gunky eye, sore ear variety. It hit us all and, four large boxes of balmy tissues later, we're still trying to shake it. I blame the entirely shite weather we're having here. It's mid-May for crying out loud and I'm still wearing a winter coat and scarf.

Thankfully, birthday treats and surprises in the post have kept my spirits up. The softest leather wallet, Orla Kiely a-plenty, beautiful books, Seventy Tree goodness and pretty magazines (both courtesy of the always divine Bianca) are just some of gifts that are piled high on our dining table.

And Teeny Phiney, the clever little possum, surprised me with a voucher for a full body massage. The kid's been a trooper while she's been ill, with smiles between every coughing fit and giggles despite the river of bogeys that have been streaming from her nose. Unbelievably, she turned four months on Friday; I'll post her monthly portrait pictures tomorrow.

Just like Em, this weekend was spent not spending. We're on a bit of a budget drive right now and so free canal walks will most definitely be on the 'ways to enjoy the weekend without splashing the cash' list. Despite a rather chilly wind, it was lovely to get out and about after days spent indoors getting better; just me, my boy and my babe.
ps. I promise we're back now with regular posts. Thanks for sticking around xx