Josephine's Monthly Portrait. Taken in her nursery on the 18th of every month.
On Friday, Josephine turned four months old. FOUR MONTHS. How on earth did that happen? Over the last month she really has changed. As well as growing in length what seems like every day (she's becoming a bit of a string bean, something she certainly does not get from her Mama) she's now reaching and grabbing with speed and accuracy; will sit in her bouncer or lie in her cot for ages occupying herself with her favourite toys or by simply checking out the room, and has started making some pretty hilarious noises. Very high pitched, very girly screams crack us up daily.
And boy, does the girl have a sense of humour. The sound of her giggles fill the house and I honestly don't think there's a more beautiful noise. Whether you're tickling her very ticklish tummy, making silly sounds or are simply talking to her with your face close to hers, Josephine's bound to chuckle. Twice last week I was rocking her to sleep and she just burst out laughing. No idea what I did, but apparently it was very funny.
This little one is getting stronger every week and now desperately tries to sit up on her own, on a regular basis. We think her teeth are on the move as she'll sit smacking her lips and sucking her gums for ages. Ben thinks she very closely resembles an old man when she does this and I've got to say, it's a pretty accurate assessment. She also chats away all day long and if there's music playing, I swear she sings along. I may have to record her and show you. It's genius.
Plus she's doing so well with her sleeping. Despite being ill, she's still been in bed asleep by 8pm, waking up only once a night and sometimes not until 5am. We've even had the occasional night of sleeping right through (anytime Phiney wakes after 6am is sleeping right through in my book). I can't tell you what a difference those few more hours of undisturbed sleep make.
We love you so much Tiny Dancer. You rock our world.
Awesome vintage top (which came with matching bloomers that are still a little big) from this brilliant little shop.