When I'm old and grey, and sitting in a comfy chair next to Ben looking back on our lives, there will be years that stand out as the best. Those life-changing times, when new adventures began.
The year 2000 will be one of those years. The year I met my love, my best friend, my soul mate. That year finished with my boy telling me he loved me for the first time, on New Years Eve. And I told him I loved him too, and I did with all my being. I had the same butterflies in my tummy then, when we spoke those words to each other, as I do when we say them now. That year I started a journey that would shape the course of my whole life.
In 2010, I married my boy. We wrote our vows to each other and spoke them in front of our friends and family; in front of all the people we love and who have helped shaped us as individuals and as a couple. As the rain poured down outside, inside the wonder of happiness kept us all warm and we laughed and danced and ate until the early hours. That was a magical day, and it was a magical year.
In 2012 we welcomed the most beautiful creature into this world and into our lives. On January 18th Josephine joined our little family. We had been dreaming about her, and talking about her and planning her arrival for many years, from so early in our relationship. And now here she is. More wonderful and lovely and sweet and hilarious than we could have ever imagined. Our hearts burst with love and happiness when we see her and it is a true honour to call her our daughter. To be her parents.
The pictures of my two loves up there are some of my favourites from this year (not including these shots, all of which are some of my favourites!). Learning how to use my camera a little better has been awesome and looking back on these photos, I really do think I have captured some of the moments from the year that we'll cherish forever.
Who knows what 2013 will hold. I hope we'll take more trips, discover new places and enjoy some spontaneous adventures. I plan to take more pictures, and get better at doing it. To spend more time crafting and baking with our little one and to build Happy Circus and start new exciting ventures. Maybe we'll even think about making our little family of three a family of four.
Whatever the next 12 months hold, I know they'll be awesome. How can they not be when I'm sharing them with the two most incredible beings on the planet :)