Just as I was about to fork out a small fortune for wellies that were teeny enough for our little bird and her teeny feet, our local charity shop called to me and I found these second hand treasures buried deep in a basket full of woolly hats and mittens. All for the grand sum of £1.20.
With Ben back at work on Monday after a blissful 16 day holiday, we made sure we packed the day with family fun including a welly road test and catch up with some lovely friends at the park and a trip to the DIY store for compost and inspiration for Josephine's first birthday present. More of which to come in the next few weeks...
It was the sweetest day with my loves.
I love her snarly face. Mama's fault for preventing Daddy putting her in the swing in order to take some pictures. And her gripping onto Ben's finger. Melt!