As well as being a wonderful diary, recording our lives together, firstly as a newly married couple and then as new parents, this blog has bought with it new friendships; the opportunity to meet lovely people who just so happen to live on the other side of the world to us rather than just round the corner. People with whom an an email conversation is as fun and easy as a catch up over a cup of tea.Tim and Keshare two of those people. They are good people. We are so excited to have them come visit when they're in the UK in the summer; to see our babies play together and show them our little corner of the planet.Having Tim shoot these pictures for Happy Circus, and Kesh model, is awesome. And I hope you'll agree that these shots are awesome too. I think they are. So, thank you guys for your time and kindness. Roll on the summer :)ps. I currently have 299 followers - how brilliant! But that odd number is playing on my mind (I like a nice round, even number thank you very much!) so if you're not a follower, go on and hit that button. You know you want to. Go on. Please.