But as the last year has gone on, Josephine has gathered notes and postcards from penpals, photos of her buddies and certificates from her swimming lessons; she's been given a whole bunch of toys and books, and has created some spectacular artwork. So, we decided it was time to make a few little changes in her room; to reflect her personality and to store all the lovely things she's gathered since she's been here.
^ Toy storage was a serious must after Christmas and her birthday, and while we're very happy to choose secondhand and vintage pieces for the vast majority of things in our house, for this piece we headed straight to Ikea (thanks to my Dad and some of the money he gave Josephine for her birthday). Not only do these drawers come in sweet colours but they're light weight and perfect to get out each morning for Phiney to access her toys as she wants, and quick and easy to put away each evening. Being the anal person I am, the top green box stores wooden puzzles, building blocks and dominoes, the pink box holds random toys and the large white one all the teddies and dolls. We also bought a second green box to slide under the chest of drawers with her cardboard books in. I adore that it's the book box she normally rummages through first.
^ Empty bowls and shelf space has now been filled with Josephine-related artifacts. Hairbands, clips and bows sit on the chest of drawers in the sweet bowl Ben bought the bump when we were in Cornwall the summer before Josephine was born, and I framed a photo from her first birthday of the three of us to sit pride of place on the window sill next to her ever-growing book collection and her rabbit night light.
^ Finally, I hung a simple piece of string from two little brass hooks to display sweet notes and pictures that are special to Josephine. The paper heart garland was a little gift from her penpal Poet and my sister made me the tissue paper flower at least 15 years ago...I love that it now sits in my daughter's room.
As always, we wanted to create this more personal space on a serious budget (ie. free!) but I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. It's such a lovely place to be and we all spend very happy times in there.