If a Heavenly Sword Move Existed...

I would want to be Kai~! -Cries- I just wish I had her accent....grrr...and the cute voice! I try but fail. At least, in my opinion, I do.

No cosplay work done. I broke the needle on my sewing machine while trying to alter a pair of my grandpa's jeans. I wasn't careful enough on the thick areas. I have more at my dad's house, so I'll replace the broken one tomorrow.

For now...you all can look at these pretty Kai pictures. I say pretty because Stephanie (my sister) did an amazing job and I love the photos! :]]

I'm going to put some more on my cosplay.com account. :]

-Squee- I just love Kai~!!! ^__________^
I want to play Heavenly Sword again now....