We’re having a pretty perfect rainy September evening. B watching Sunday night’s American football and me knitting. Throw in some yummy food and a toasty blanket and it’s hard to beat.
;__; Oh wow.
I think I'll stick to sharing the cosplay progress right now...
I worked on my Luxray costume and it's like..70% completed! I'm still unsure of what wig I will use. I don't want to get a new one just for it so I might borrow a friends black wig, three of my friends have them...so I'll see once I'm finished with the costume.
I also worked on Fado, but the whole costume makes me mad. I don't like dealing with it..it makes me mad, the sight of it angers me! Okay, not angers..but I get irritated. :[ In anycase, I have tons of costumes I want done and now with the job..I have no excuse! I need to work on stuff, I just get lazy and hardly feel motivated at all. .__.; I also miss someone very special and I don't know when I'll hear from them.Bleh.p00p.....
Maybe it’s the killer 6 hour car journey three weeks ago that has re-aggravated it or maybe it’s the colder weather affecting his bones, but the last few days have been pretty hellish for him. Days are spent walking around his office trying to stretch out his lower back, evenings doing crazy yoga style moves on one of those massive gym balls and nights twisting and turning to get comfortable. He’s a pretty tired husband right now. And I feel so bad for him.
He had a course of electroacupuncture which was awesome and really helped the pain for a long time. Plus it didn’t involve lots of medication which is something we were both pleased about. We’re not big pill-poppers in our house. Now the pain’s back we’re waiting for B’s free private healthcare to kick in mid-December so he can get another course. B thinks a new mattress might be needed too. And we’re going to talk to a chiropractor too who might be able to help realigning his spine. The doctor’s even talked about some pretty scary surgery as an option. We both agree...no way Hosè.
Hopefully B will get a better night’s sleep tonight. But if anyone can recommend a natural remedy that might be helpful, that would be a wonderfully lovely. I just want him to feel better.
ps. what picture do you include when you write a post of back pain? B suggested his back, but then messed around while finishing cooking dinner hence this beautiful picture. Dinner was one of our favourites though. Garlic chilli pasta & bread courtesy of Bill Granger. I'll post the recipe soon.
My weekend of planning went rather well and I’m feeling really positive about what the future may hold. I have set myself some deadlines, some challenges and a few tasks so the next few months promise to be nice and busy. My plan for knitting Christmas presents is providing the ideal opportunity to try out some new ideas too and they’re coming along rather nicely. I’ll post some pictures in a few weeks when I have a good collection together.
All in all the weekend was pretty busy. I sorted out a lot of stuff. A LOT. My wardrobe was given a good clearout, as were my drawers, jewellery box and shoe collection. Even my basket of fabric was cleared out. Some pretty cool vintage costume jewellery I’ve collected was sold to my favourite store in the world, Sassy & Boo, this morning and I’ve made about twice what I hoped which is completely amazing. If you’re ever in Bath, this shop is a must. The lady who owns it is awesome and the stock is unbeatable. There’s also a mass of stuff on eBay so fingers crossed I’ll make a bit more cash. I’m certainly loving all the extra space I’ve created. If you’re interested in taking a look please do. I ship worldwide and would love for my favourite bits to go to a good home.
Especially this amazing bag. It’s a piece of art. It dates from the 1920s and is in such amazingly perfect condition. I bought it for a tidy sum a couple of years ago, but it’s been wrapped in tissue paper for too long and needs to belong to a lady who’ll take it out on the town. It’s kinda breaking my heart to let it go, but there are more important things for me to consider at the moment than fancy clutch bags. So I’m making the sacrifice. Au Revoir beautiful friend.
I also gave him a notebook. Somewhere we could write our hopes and dreams down, somewhere to plan our next adventures. On our honeymoon we spent a rainy day writing things in this notebook. Stuff we wanted to do over the next year. One of which I hope to be blogging about soon.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking specifically about where I want to be heading career wise. I know that in a couple of years this will be on hold so I want to make the most of the next twelve months. Get myself into a position where I’m doing something I truly love. I enjoy my job, but I find myself less interested than I thought I would be when I was studying to become a journalist. What I dream of is being my own boss. Spending every day crafting the things I love to craft. I am determined to make this dream a reality, just like this cool chick. And B thinks I should do it. Live the dream. I’m not quitting my day job or anything like that. But maybe when the time comes, going back to work won’t be necessary.
I work well to deadlines so this weekend I’m setting myself a task. Devise a little business plan. Figure out what I want to be creating, the vibe I want to follow and how realistically I can make this all happen. I’m with that most awesome of bloggers, my mate Jaclyn. Just Do It.
Last night was very fun. 28 in a pub that doesn’t take reservations could have been tricky, but eventually we took over a whole section of the pub and entertained everyone with a very loud rendition of Happy Birthday when my cousin Fran’s cake was bought out. Me, B, my Sis and her guy took one table and lots of food was consumed. We also created some pretty funky-looking facial disguises from the green foil off a beer bottle, to help pass the time while we waited hungrily for our food to arrive. Because that’s the kinda cool gals we are.
Well today, I’ve gone and clonked myself in the face. Again. This time though using the phone at work, which is something new. I span my chair round to answer my phone and as I was still spinning when I picked it up, it smacked me on the nose instead of safely finding its way to my ear. (I can hear you laughing again.) Currently my nose is throbbing. And is bright red. Rudolph, eat your heart out. Every time I smile it hurts even more. In fact it’s started to hurt when I just inhale through my nose. That ain’t good. And to top it all we have a big family meal tonight to celebrate my cousin’s 21st birthday. I’m hoping my nose doesn’t swell and need a chair of it’s own by the time we get to the pub….
Last night mine and B's Mum’s came round for dinner and B pulled some damn tasty food out of that ever so clever bag of his. Annoyingly I was so excited about it all I forgot to photograph the lemon chicken on roasted new potatoes, red onion and red pepper. It was even more yummy than it sounds. I did manage a few pictures of the strawberry and apple crumble he made though, so look out for that recipe later this week. Pudding is a rare treat in our house, so this was very exciting. Is there anything more autumnal than a big bowl of crumble and custard? And there’s enough left over for us to have a mini bowl each tonight too. Bring on dinner time I say.
Ben and I walk down this little street a least once a week. Annoyingly it's always after closing time. There's been one shop in particular i've been dying to pop into ever since it opened and that's Hansel und Gretel. Selling authentic alpine pieces, this is a shop that rocks and after I managed to finish work a bit early this afternoon I knew exactly where I was heading.
Firstly it has an all-year-round Christmas section downstairs. So that instantly won me over. And a strudel bar. Cool, eh. Plus it sells the softest Alpaca wool in the most fantastic colours and some pretty fancy knitting needles too. Oh man. This is the perfect shop for me and my new favourite. I bought my grandparents this insane decoration depicting the nativity as part of their Christmas present and a crazy vintage 1950s car decoration for my Dad, who used to own one just like it. An actual full-size one I mean. And I got another little anniversary present for B. I love how unique everything was, how amazing this shop looks inside and how darn reasonable it is to boot.
Then I headed to our favourite local deli for a couple of slices of yummy ham, a mini ham and chicken pie (B loves those pies) and a bottle of vintage cider for that coolio husband of mine. Some goodly Friday finds me thinks.
Hope you manage to get your hands on some equally tasty treats this weekend lovely people xxx
Anyway, it all turned out OK because I got this amazing jug (i'm thinking with flowers in), this too cute little pot (I have a bit of a thing for little pots) and this really beautiful vintage silk shirt that's a fab misty grey colour. The photo doesn't do it any justice. All for a whopping £5.99. Awesome.
While B’s been away I’ve been getting his anniversary present sorted. I’m not sure how we’ll celebrate the anniversary of us getting together from next year onwards now we’re married but we’re ‘give presents and celebrate whenever possible’ kinda people, so we’ll probably do the same as always! This October we’ve been together for TEN YEARS. Oh yeah, it’s a big one. So I’ve got two awesome presents lined up.
Now it’s back to some knitting. I’ve had a couple of days break, what with occupying myself while B was away with a trip to my Mum’s on Monday night to watch TV and generally catch up on some gossip and then a slumber party with my Sis last night, complete with pizza, chocolate and a copy of Knocked Up in true girly style. But I did finish the other booties and bobble hat I have been working on. How very snugly it all looks.
By the way - did anyone watch Cherrie has a Baby on Monday night, BBC Three? If you can, you should. It was so good. Firstly I freakin love Cherrie Healey. She cracks me up. Plus she rocks shiny leggings like i've never seen. And she's 8 months pregnant while she's wearing them. As someone who may be thinking about babies next year, this program was a real insight and followed Cherrie through in teh last 7 weeks of her pregnancy as she visits 7 other expectant mums, aging from 15 to 46, as she works out what the best age is to have your first child. Next week it's Cherrie gets Married. Genius.
THE RECIPE: Mushroom Risotto
1. Soak half a tbsp on dried Porcini mushrooms for 10 minutes
2. Fry one small, chopped white onion with a crushed glove of garlic for 2-3 minutes until soft
3. Add 110g of Chestnut mushrooms and fry for a further 2-3 minutes
4. Stir in 175g of Arborio rice
5. Add 75ml of white wine
6. Make up 600ml of vegetable stock and add to the saucepan a ladle at a time, until soaked in
7. Drain and add the chopped Porcinis, some chopped fresh basil and 15g of butter to the mix.
8. Eat up folks!
I stuck to my vow and gave B as many squeezes as possible over the weekend. The peace was momentarily disrupted (in the best way) thanks to a full on crafting session on Saturday with our nephews, where paper plate animals were the project of the week. Ty soon decided we should be aiming for a whole zoo, so we cracked on with it and ended up with sheep, lions, birds, monkeys, an octopus and rabbits. Oh and an owl and plenty of fish. A good time was had by all. Plus we got the first foot photo of me, B and the boys. They’re normally too wriggly to partake, but they were amused by the randomness this time, so we got a good one.

So back to sane talk. The knitting frenzy continued last night and the matching bobble hat that goes with my cream and white striped booties is coming along pretty darn well. My best mate is catching me up on all this knitting lark and fun knitting-related things may be happening in the future so I am totally hyped about picking up my needles and coming up with some new creations. And your lovely comments are only fuelling my excitement about it all, so thank you all. You lovely inspirational people you.
So what will your weekend adventures be? We don't have much planned, but fun random things ensue when that's the case, so who knows. Plus my beautiful boy has to go away with work for three days on Monday so i'm going to be squeezin' and kissin' my guy more than ever to make up for his forthcoming absence. Oh how I hate it when he's not here. I go a little nuts and forget how to do things without him by my side.
Finally can I just say how crazily excited I get when I get a comment from each of my awesome blogger buddies. This week has been amazing. I've had some such lovely comments and have been lucky enough to find some awesome blogs thanks to you saying hello. I emailed my husband yesterday at work when I realised that my last post had more than 10 comments. Not many to some, I know, but for a newbie like me it's a big thing and made me very happy. Maybe I'm lame. Who cares. I hope you all have a rockin' weekend filled with total awesomeness! x
And in the last week I have become knitting obsessed. I’ve even started on numerous Christmas presents. One for my Sis is coming along and I’m about to start on some pretty cool stripy scarves for my nephews. But most of all I’m particularly pleased with my little baby booty design. I’ve adapted a pattern in the book I’m using and luckily have three babies to knit for. B’s brother’s little boy is due to hatch in the next two weeks, my best mate’s at the beginning of January and my cousin’s the beginning of February. So I figured I better get on with it.
So, here they are. The teeniest of booties. Very warm and snugly for the winter, don’t you think. And I’ve started on some for my cousin too, in white and cream stripes. Pretty subtle but I know they’ll love them. I love that I can whip one up in about an hour and B’s very impressed at how neat I am. Got to stop typing now so I can go knit. See? Obsessed.

Is this an age thing, a generation thing? Or have these two ladies been hurt and maybe find it hard to forgive men in general?
I’ve spent ages looking through the Pacing the Panic Room archives looking for a post Ryan did on this very subject a while back. I remember reading it and really feeling bad for the good guys who are working hard and loving lots and just get lumped in with the idiots. It’s cool reading a guy’s blog and I love Ryan’s space; it’s something a bit different and is intriguing to see the world through his eyes. Plus the dude knows how to write with passion.
“There is so much talk about this new modern man lately, and how great it is that they love their kids, and don't treat their wives like assholes, and the whole thing is annoying to me. Fathers love their children. They love their wives. It isn't a revolution…There have always been brilliant women, there have always been caring husbands and fathers. (My kids) will grow up and have both a brilliant strong woman in their life, and a dad that cherishes his family and fights time to be with them as much as possible. So the cycle will go on, just like it always has.”
So here’s a shout out to all the boys out there who rock. Who love their ladies and aren’t afraid to show it. Who take joy in making a house a home and cook and clean as much as the girls. Who are crazy fun to be with and who provide a nice buff shoulder to lean on, without even a hint that it’s needed. Who are just downright awesome.
ps. The Good Guys. A picture of my rockin' boy and some of his rockin' mates on the stag night!
pps. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments about our wedding album. We adore it and I think that since last night we’ve looked at it about 11 times! And Dawn, you should definitely design your album soon…Christmas present idea for hubby dearest maybe?! xx
Bodysuit Pattern....? :[ Ugh.

I worked on my Luxray costume the other day! It's coming out better than I thought. I had some mistakes here and there but it was a learning experience. Every (or almost every) costume I make has something new I have not done before on it. I think that's the best way to learn. :]
I haven't started on my Sheik costume but I did find some wigs that I really like. Specifically this one. I think it's a beautiful color and looks a bit cartoony which I want! The thing I'm having a problem with is the body suit. I was thinking of buying a pattern to make the base but I found none. Is it because they don't make them...or is it because I should just make the outfit in pieces? I was hoping to make one bodysuit and then add the different colors/shapes on top. But now I'm thinking I might just have to make my own pattern and make it all in pieces. I looked at some other Sheik cosplayers and there's a few I really like but no one has done the feet as accurate as I want to make mine. Maybe because it gets complicate? I don't really know. All I know is it makes me want to cosplay Sheik even more! It must be the competitive spirit I sometimes have. I want to be REALLY good, not to "Show people up" but because I loooove Sheik sooo much and am a huge Zelda fan. I want to show that in my costume. :]
Anyway, if any of you have any tips for me please feel free to leave a comment. I'd love any type of input. Also---I want to find the perfect red contacts eventually! ^___^; I just got to find a safe spot. I doubt my eye doctor will have red contacts just layin' around. People tend to lean toward blue and green contacts. XD Heheheheh.
Oh! I hope my friends have fun at Sac Anime. I stayed home and I'm okay with it actually~
I’ve been put forward for a salary increase. Slightly less than I had hoped, but not too bad. Like B said, working at I job I like with people that I have fun with and being happy while I work seriously trumps a few extra pounds a month. Downside? My increase has been put forward with the business plan and they won’t be able to confirm it’s all gone through until 16th September. So another two week wait is ahead of me. My boss is pretty hopeful it’ll all go through OK, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed too. The more I think about it the happier I am so I’m hoping I’m not setting myself up for a fall in two weeks.
Next? I had an email today letting me know our wedding album is in the post. On its way. This is super duper exciting news. We cannot wait for it to arrive and spend the evening curled up flicking through the pages seeing lots of smiling faces all having the coolest day ever.
And finally. Well, it’s Friday. I mean is there anything better than the feeling a Friday evening gives you? Knowing the weekend’s spread out before you and who knows what it could hold. Two whole days before heading back to work. Two whole days with B. Oh yeah. That’s a lovely warm feeling inside right there.
I've bought some more wool to start on the mammoth Christmas gift list I've put together and plan on spending the weekend knitting up a storm!
Plus I have a seriously important meeting at work tomorrow with my boss. A salary related meeting that i've been waiting for and hanging hopes on. It will make a massive difference to our lives, whatever the outcome. Fingers crossed it's more money, quicker saving/clearing debt and a better glimpse into what the next couple of years will hold. However it may mean job hunting. Yuck. And I love my job, so it'll basically be poo if I have to move because of money. But i'm fed up of masses of work and responsibility and only pennies in return. I know, I should be grateful I have a job, right? Considering the world we currently live in? But I'm having a blue day and feel sorry for myself. Hurry home B. I need hugs.
This picture makes me smile. It's from last summer at my Grandparent's house in Cornwall. B playing dress up with my nephews. They're rockin' those Victorian hats, I know. Isn't their summer house the most darling thing by the way? xx

On a totally unrelated note, happy happy birthday to beautiful Emma. My best buddie, soon-to-be mama and all round totally awesome girl. We love you lots xxx