We love a good pair of socks in our house. I mean, really, is there anything nicer than a new pair? This picture pretty much represents our weekend, when lots of slouching was involved. I did finish the scarf I was knitting for my grandma for Christmas though and we sprayed all the silver frames that we used at our wedding black and are finally deciding which of our wedding pictures we want to frame. Too many to choose from and it seems ever so narcissistic to have 25 pictures of us around such a small flat. We’ve narrowed it down to about 7. Or possibly 10. I also worked for a few hours at a modelling competition/fashion show that our publishing house was hosting and have now managed to accrue enough days in lieu to have the days in between Christmas and New Year off. How very blissful. Last night mine and B's Mum’s came round for dinner and B pulled some damn tasty food out of that ever so clever bag of his. Annoyingly I was so excited about it all I forgot to photograph the lemon chicken on roasted new potatoes, red onion and red pepper. It was even more yummy than it sounds. I did manage a few pictures of the strawberry and apple crumble he made though, so look out for that recipe later this week. Pudding is a rare treat in our house, so this was very exciting. Is there anything more autumnal than a big bowl of crumble and custard? And there’s enough left over for us to have a mini bowl each tonight too. Bring on dinner time I say.