So back to sane talk. The knitting frenzy continued last night and the matching bobble hat that goes with my cream and white striped booties is coming along pretty darn well. My best mate is catching me up on all this knitting lark and fun knitting-related things may be happening in the future so I am totally hyped about picking up my needles and coming up with some new creations. And your lovely comments are only fuelling my excitement about it all, so thank you all. You lovely inspirational people you.
So what will your weekend adventures be? We don't have much planned, but fun random things ensue when that's the case, so who knows. Plus my beautiful boy has to go away with work for three days on Monday so i'm going to be squeezin' and kissin' my guy more than ever to make up for his forthcoming absence. Oh how I hate it when he's not here. I go a little nuts and forget how to do things without him by my side.
Finally can I just say how crazily excited I get when I get a comment from each of my awesome blogger buddies. This week has been amazing. I've had some such lovely comments and have been lucky enough to find some awesome blogs thanks to you saying hello. I emailed my husband yesterday at work when I realised that my last post had more than 10 comments. Not many to some, I know, but for a newbie like me it's a big thing and made me very happy. Maybe I'm lame. Who cares. I hope you all have a rockin' weekend filled with total awesomeness! x