Yep, I’ve gone and got myself a hair cut. My fringe was driving me nuts. It grows like a weed and will no doubt need cutting again in about 2 weeks, but for now it’s looking just the way I like it. I had to grow my hair insanely long for the wedding because the hair style I needed, plus my rubbish fine hair, meant as much length as possible was a must. Then a week after we got back from our honeymoon I had 6 inches lopped off. Oh the joy. Since then it’s already grown two inches and I wanted it even shorter than before. I’m working my way up to maybe shoulder length, but that will have to be done bit by bit. Way too scary in one chop me thinks. We’re having a pretty perfect rainy September evening. B watching Sunday night’s American football and me knitting. Throw in some yummy food and a toasty blanket and it’s hard to beat.