And talking of the ever so cool Em, look out for our little collaboration over at The Beetle Shack soon. I’m really excited to be involved with one of my new favourite blogs. I mean, have you seen how cool she wears her hair? And how cute her kids are? And how many amazing things (that I'd actually quite like to steal) are in her house?
Such a fun weekend ahead. Went to see Harry Potter tonight (doesn't compare to the book, but still a whole bunch of awesomeness), holiday shopping tomorrow with some pretty cool people and a roast dinner at my Nan’s on Sunday. Yummy. Hope you guys all have an awesome time and the rain stays away for all those people in the UK currently staring at the most rubbish Saturday weather forecast ever for the middle of July.
(Oh, seem to have a thing for brackets in this post. Clearly too tired to punctuate.)