Sitting on the sofa, knit knit knitting away at the baby’s first blanket, wearing new PJ bottoms from the ever reliable M&S. One pair of my slouchy pants had become not so slouchy round the belly so purchasing some new ones was a must. And can I just say how I’m loving buying clothes in a bigger size and not having a freak out about it. Instead, I’m totally embracing it. So my belly needs more room, who cares? B certainly doesn’t. His current favourite pastime? Listening in to see if he can hear what’s happening in this ever expanding tummy of mine and whispering a cheeky hello. We’re hoping for signs of a response sometime soon.
These are some of the bits I've made for bub over the last few weeks. I'd quite like some of the orange boots in my size actually...
ps. Check out the Happy Circus giveaway on Em's fab blog The Beetle Shack for your chance to win some knitted treats of your own.