So enough is enough. That’s right people, it’s time to write a list. When something needs sorting, a list can never fail you and I think this one’s gonna be a goody. By which I mean long. Very, very long.
Here’s a couple of things topping the Must Do Soon section…
1. Print off some wedding pictures to complete the collage type thing I started about 8 months ago.
2. Print off some pictures of all the gorgeous kiddos in our lives to update the ones that are now pretty old. They’ve all grown at least 6 inches since those were taken.
3. Work out where some of the furniture in the living room and kitchen should go. Right now a few pieces look rather plonked.
4. Get some curtains up in the bedroom. B is not the right person to be woken up at 5am by light pouring through gaps in the shutters.
5. Find a few more random picture frames to complete the photo wall I’ve been planning. Luckily this shop provided some awesome vintage postcards to be included and today I finally found the perfect little plate to hang too.
And that’s just the beginning. Bigger things include finding new-to-us, mis-matched dining chairs to replace the rather horrid ones we bought for our first flat four years ago and saving a bit more money to finally buy a laptop so we can get rid of the ugly computer and computer table from the living room.
There’s only one problem. While I think it’s slowly leaving, the sleepiness is still there. Hanging around. And just thinking about this list makes me need a nap. Perhaps I’ll tackle it tomorrow.
ps. I promise a little bump picture soon…thank you for such sweet requests to see how it’s coming along x