
Bump Day. 25 weeks down.

Today we had a midwife appointment and all is looking well. The bump is growing nicely, Baby’s heart beat is as strong as ever and all test results came back fine and dandy. It all leaves me feeling rather proud of how well I’m doing, baking this little bun of ours. Turns out I’m pretty good at cooking things after all. Who knew?

And thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post. My back is now fine, the legs have stopped aching and it looks like I’m going to be given a parking permit so I can drive to work plus the washing machine is now working. Funny how things can go from bad to good in the blink of an eye. And Jodi, I’m using your advice as a little mantra this week.

Slowly, slowly. Take your time, don’t rush.

Something I’ll remember as I walk from here to there and also as I walk through this amazing adventure. I want to savour every kick, every moment together and each time B whispers something to this belly of mine. Sharing such a journey will only make the arrival of Baby all the more amazing.