So, like I say, we’ve been getting down to the knitty gritty of what we need for when Baby arrives, trying to sort through what is essential for us and what is just unnecessary crap the industry is making us think we need.
Ha! That’s B talking right there. And while I totally agree, it’s a subject that he feels particularly strongly about. Along with poor customer service (see the encounter with the rubbish Manager of the tech store we bought our new DVD player at the other day) and the current moving and shaking of specific drug laws. The boy loves to talk very loudly about things that have pissed him off whilst standing very clearly in earshot of the person in question. I have been known to scarper during such events. Just back away slowly and leave him to it. He’s passionate, what can I say!
Anyway, back to the point. We’re now armed with a list that includes everything but books and clothes. Because books you can never have too many of and clothes have been coming in left, right and centre already and my Mum’s still on her knitting frenzy. Over the last few days I’ve been hitting the smaller things on the list hard and the bump is now the proud owner of all the above. Apart from the Pleasantly Plump booties. I’m still undecided on which colour to choose this design in. Brown, mustard, green. It’s too hard. I know I make booties too, but I’ve loved Meghan’s since the moment I saw them and I think a pair will have to find their way into the bub’s wardrobe.
So now we get the fun of lots of parcels arriving, guilt-free, packed with goodies. Next big decision? What pram to choose and which re-useable nappy to go for. Which is one hell of a tough decision. Seriously, if you’ve used a brand you love please please PLEASE let us know. We’re currently lost in a world of pattern versus plain, popper versus Velcro, pocket versus all-in-ones. Con-fus-ing.
Things for The Bump: Part One
1. Blue cloud foldable changing mat, because it was the most awesome one we saw.
2. Bamboo swaddling clothes for wiggly babies and snuggly times
3. Donna Wilson’s Old Stripey Head. It was a tough decision between green and red but B loved Red’s expression most. And Kerry I’m totally blaming you and the introduction to Hello Bubba for that purchase.
4. Too cool for school bandana bibs. So many colours and patterns, too little time. I managed to get it down to 4 in the end.
5. A Dover and Madden knitted dimple hat. Because ever since I saw this little bear wearing hers, I knew I’d have to have one when the time came.
6. Pleaseantly Plump’s t-strap booties. My favourite design, but who knows what colour to choose? Green, yellow, brown, grey…